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upcoming NHAS field trips, events

There is something here relevant to birders, butterfliers, and other 
nature fanatics, so read on if the first item doesn't interest you....

Upcoming New Hope Audubon Society events--all are welcome to attend. 
For up-to-date information, check: http://www.newhopeaudubon.org/  or 
e-mail patrick@coinconsult.net

New Hope Audubon Society Membership Meeting
Date: Thursday, March 1, 2001
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: Totten Center, NC Botanical Gardens, Chapel Hill
Speaker: Johnny Randall
Topic: Invasive Exotic Plants and Their Effect on Wildlife

Are invasive plants imported from all over the planet taking over 
North Carolina's natural areas? Will kudzu eventually cover Cary? If 
so, what effect will this invasion have on our state's birds? Johnny 
Randall, the assistant director of conservation for the North 
Carolina Botanical Garden, will answer these and other questions. 
Please join us for what promises to be a very informative evening. 
All are welcome to attend.

Upcoming Field Trips, March and April 2001:

Saturday, March 17, 2001,  2:00 p.m. Join New Hope Audubon Society 
members to search for early spring wildflowers of the Piedmont. 
Leaders: Carol Ann McCormick and Mark Peifer. Meeting place: Penny's 
Bend Nature Preserve on Snow Hill Road North of Durham. To Reach 
Penny's Bend, take Roxboro Road north from Durham to the intersection 
with Old Oxford Road. Take Old Oxford Road north for several miles 
until it crosses the Eno River. Just after the bridge, turn left on 
Snow Hill Road and then immediately left into the parking lot of 
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve. (See the map at 
http://www.newhopeaudubon.org/grmap/PennyBend.gif.) Bring comfortable 
hiking shoes and drinking water. E-mail Patrick Coin 
(patrick@coinconsult.net) if you need more information.

Saturday, April 21, 2001, 8:00 a.m. Join New Hope Audubon for a trip 
to the fascinating North Carolina sandhills. Meet at Glenn Lennox 
Shopping Center, highway 54 just east of the 15-501 bypass in Chapel 
Hill at 8:00 a.m. and we will car-pool to the sites, approximately a 
1 1/2 hour drive. We will return to Chapel Hill in the mid- to late 
afternoon. Trip leader is field biologist Steve Hall, an expert on 
the ecology and zoology of this area. Highlights of this trip in the 
past have been Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Bachman's Sparrow, endemic 
plants, reptiles, and many butterflies. Steve will also explain the 
role of fire in maintaining this unique ecosystem. Bring binoculars, 
lunch, water, bug-resistant clothing (long sleeves and pants), and 
bug spray. E-mail patrick@coinconsult.net for more information, but 
there is no need to sign up. All are welcome to attend.

Saturday, April 28, 2001. Howell Woods trip. This is an overnight 
trip to a wonderful and accessible site in the NC coastal plain just 
an hour's drive from the Triangle. Highlights of this trip in the 
past have included Swainson's Warbler and many interesting coastal 
plain plants. Leader: Robin Moran. Meeting place and time are yet to 
be determined. Watch upcoming newsletters, or check the web site 
(http://www.newhopeaudubon.org/) for details.

Patrick Coin
web master, field trip chair
New Hope Audubon Society
P.O. Box 2693
Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2693