Permaculture Online

Len & Bev's new block of ground - Part 3

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Left: (23) Just love this shot and the next, this shot is looking over the dam to the south/west corner, and all the land in the shot is our land.
Right: (24) Another shot looking over the dam to the south, just so picturesque and peaceful.

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Left: (25) Taken from the eastern boundary looking west, the cattle yards are just visible to the left of shot.
Right: (26) This is the cattle yards we are looking south/west here, they are badly overgrown and in need of some repair, no doubt a job for some other time.

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Left: (27) Looking north/west from the easten fence line, you will see that the eastern end of the front 1/2 of the blocks has some nice tree cover.
Right: (28) Further to the south now along the eastern boundary, here we are looking west into the well wooded 1/2 of the block the dense trees at the rear of the shot mark the creek line, it flows roughly north to south.

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Left: (29) From the same position looking to the south west the creek line is still visible in the rear of shot. That is a termite mound right in the middle of the picture.
Right: (30) Looking north/west along the road that runs along the eastern boundary this shot was taken where the other back road intersects, very shady cool place and with the feeling of being very far removed from the hustle and bustle of most suburbs.

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