Key to the Gymnosperms of the Southeastern U.S. -
Key to the Junipers (Juniperus)
Leaves mostly scale-like, 1-3 mm long, in opposite pairs

Scale-like leaves do not overlap or overlap to ¼ their
length or less, glands on backs of leaves are circular
(restricted to Ark., Mo., Okla., Tex., and Mexico) -
Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei)


Scale-like leaves overlap by more than ¼ their length, glands on backs of leaves are elongated
(throughout most of the eastern U.S.) -
Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana)

Hand lens
Scale-like leaves overlap 1/4 their length or less, glands circular (close-up image) Scale-like leaves overlap more than 1/4 their length, glands elongate (close-up image)
Scale bar
Scale bar
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