Key to the Gymnosperms of the Southeastern U.S. -
Key to the Bald-cypresses (Taxodium)

Leaves are awl-shaped, spirally arranged, ascending
or appressed to branchlets (spreading laterally
and featherlike only on juvenile trees),
and mostly 3-10 mm. (1/8 - 3/8 in.) long -
Pond-cypress (Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium)


Leaves are linear and flat, spirally arranged but
spreading laterally and featherlike, (sometimes
appressed on drooping branches of the crown),
and mostly 8-20 mm. (5/16-3/4 in.) long -
Bald-cypress (Taxodium distichum var. distichum)

Leaves awl-shaped, spirally arranged, ascending or appressed, mostly 3-10 mm. long (close-up image) Leaves linear and flat, spreading laterally and featherlike, mostly 8-20 mm. long (close-up image)
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