Accept no substitutes

DJ Tucker

Just back from WCOM (local low power FM), where Tucker and his friend Seon (both 13) took over the station for two hours. Melva came by and showed them a couple of things and Chris Frank showed them how to set up Tucker’s laptop for airplay. They were off. I was limitied adult supervision — very limited since Tucker knows how to run the studio better than I do. Among other treats listeners heard three versions of Bohemian Rhapsody — Queen, Clef Hanger a capella, Dean Grey mashup with Greenday and Queen.


  1. WillR

    I actually heard part of the show as we tooled through C’boro. Didn’t realize it was Tucker
    at the helm. Quite cool. Is he going to do it again?

  2. Ruby Sinreich

    Very cool! Sorry I missed it.

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