Accept no substitutes

Four tasty local tomato dishes

Watermelon Tomato Salad tastes great too! Thx Bill Smith on Twitpic

That’s dishes made with local tomatoes — not all of them contrived locally:

Chilled Yellow Tomato Soup (used local Yellows – Sungolds perhaps)

White Wine Gazpacho (used Cherokee Purples)

Watermelon and Tomato Salad (from Bill Smith) (used a variety for colors and textures) Subbed Thai Basil for regular and dropped the cayanne in favor of a dash Cackalacky Sauce.

Vegetarian Gumbo (used locally grown Romas) – you know this one Trinity (from Red Onion, Roasted Peppers, Celery) + Garlic + Okra + Maters in stock

1 Comment

  1. Jeff Shear

    Just can’t reconcile myself to that watermelon. Tomato and watermelon in combination gives me that vapors.

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