Just back from a very successful 2nd NC Blogging Conference (thanks to Anton and Bora and Brian). Sigma Xi is a great facility for the conference. The rooms right sized and halls and architecture lovely and worked well — mostly we needed better wifi as K1v1n reminded me everytime I saw him ;->

I twittered most of the conference from my iPhone — instead of taking a computer and blogging, so I’ve grabbed my tweets and put ’em in here.

Be sure to check out Wayne Sutton’s videos of the conference at the bottom of the Media Coverage Page of the Conference Wiki.

* nice show of tweet buds @scienceblogging

I was in Science Journalism led in great unconference style by Adnaan Wasey.

@scienceblogging will blogging save science journalism?

@scienceblogging science blogging needs or doesn’t need editorial supervision?

@scienceblogging objectivity? In science journalism? Opinion? News? Feature? Breaking news? Analysis or what? Power in the writer vs editor?

@scienceblogging blogs break news; print analyses or critiques?

@scienceblogging realclimate.org as top knotch

@scienceblogging who reads science blogs? Rant on nonscience like creationism. Google searching is access?

@scienceblogging space bloggers get some amazing comments

@scienceblogging build relationships between journalists and scientists. Influence more than numbers?

@scienceblogging crowdsourcing for science journalism?

@scienceblogging where is original content on blogs? Where is direct experience?

@scienceblogging break then social science and humanities

Then in Blogging about the social sciences and humanities

@scienceblogging blog carnivals defined

@scienceblogging eurekalerts as a source

@scienceblogging several tweet buds in this session but wifi is weak

@scienceblogging duke library scholarly communications

@scienceblogging peer review vs blogs? Are journals being replaced ?

good lunch

Blogging Public Health and Medicine

@scienceblogging medical and public health blogs. What do you do when asked for med advice? Ethical concerns

@scienceblogging I am not a doctor! No specific personal advice but general info Avoid narrow casting epidemilogocal data

@scienceblogging importance of context and narrative in health info and blogs

@scienceblogging hippa and health blogs 41 outside and rain

Locopops break!

Framing Science panel

@scienceblogging serious snow here at sigma xi as second life talk begins possibly ironic

Then I fled the snow to get home to see UNC lose to Maryland and to get this breaking scientific news about Google: Google to Host Terabytes of Open-Source Science Data. Report and comments at TechCrunch here.