In Second Life for Gary Marchionini’s talk. Also in Real Life. Can’t listen to the SL audio since I forgot my earphones so I’m listening in RL. Nice crowd in both worlds (lives?).

Fred has a Flickr or two of the talk.


Talk: Toward Multimedia Surrogation
Presenter: Gary Marchionini
Friday? Feb 16, Manning 208

This talk will explore the nature of surrogates for digital information. A multidimensional continuum of representations for
information objects is crucial to knowledge work in a digitally enabled multimedia environment. I will outline a framework for this
space and illustrate its genesis with examples from our work with the Open Video Digital Library and extend it to include new kinds of identity surrogates for our selves in cyberspace.

Marchioniniism alert! Proflection: combo of projection and reflection. that which is projected into cyberspace — including what others say about you whether you are aware of that or not, what machines and algorithms say/link about you and all of you projections and reflections. also includes conscious stuff like webpages, facebook profile or implicit like your clickstreams etc.

Others have noticed that “proflection” is a term that has been is use since the 1930s by therapists.