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Creative Writing at Carolina

The undergraduate Creative Writing Program at UNC-Chapel Hill is -- and has long been -- one of the best in the country. Its first-rate faculty and students have published widely, won many prizes, and played a major role in shaping the contemporary literature of North Carolina, the South, and the nation.

The fact that UNC-Greensboro and N.C. State University in Raleigh offer graduate writing programs has challenged Carolina to concentrate on excellence for undergraduates. There are over 250 creative writing programs in the United States, mostly for students at the masters' level, but very few offer as much breadth, variety, and professionalism at the college level as UNC-Chapel Hill has for decades.

This site, adapted almost word for word from a departmentally-produced booklet, Creative Writing at Carolina, provides basic information about the program -- its history, faculty, alumni, curriculum, and extracurriculars. For further details, please contact the director of Creative Writing, whose address can be found at the end.

Maintained by Daryl L. Houston