REPUBLICANS FOR CLINTON : Press Release - 1028/92 For Immediate Release: Posted by Clinton/Gore Email October 28,1992 STATEMENT BY REPUBLICANS FOR CLINTON/GORE Precisely because we are mainstream Republicans who believe in the history and traditions of our party, we stand united with thousands of Republicans and millions of Americans in firm support of the candidacies of Governor Bill Clinton and Senator Al Gore for the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the United States. We are part of the great centrist majority of the American people who reject extremism of the left, right, or of any kind. We understand the need for change, and we support it. We have watched our party fall increasingly under the sway of an extremist minority. The traditional spectrum of the Republican party, from conservative to progressive, does not encompass either the social policies of Pat Buchanan, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell, or the borrow and spend economic policies the radical right expounds. The Republican Party began as the party of Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. Here we still stand, for civil rights and social justice in our time and in all times; for a country where the promises on paper of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are in fact realities for all Americans; for a nation where there is, indeed, liberty and justice for all. As a part of the first party, in 1940, to endorse the Equal Rights Amendment, we stand forthrightly for the rights of the female majority in this country, including freedom of choice. We are dismayed that one more Supreme Court appointment by our incumbent Republican President--one more--will bring a certain repeal of Roe v. Wade, and the most basic rights of all the women in the United States will, thereby, be swept away. As Republicans, we believe in fiscal responsibility. Mainstream, mostly middle-class, Republicans like us comprise the backbone of the Republican Party. You will find us on the farms and in small business. We are up and down Main Street, USA. We pay our bills and balance our budgets. Because the United States of America is worth whatever it may cost to live in it, we are truly willing to pay our fair share of the taxes. We do not wish to rob our children of their inheritance. We are deeply troubled by the borrow and spend policies of our government, and by what George Bush in 1980 rightly called "Voodoo Economics." Under this wrong-headed economic theory, we have quadrupled the national debt and are year after year producing record Federal deficits. For our country's sake and our children's sake, this situation must change before it is too late. It is time, high time, past time, to set our fiscal house in order. As Republicans committed to family values, we are deeply concerned about the plight of too many American families in 1992. Young adults are part of the first generation in American history to be, on average, less well off than their parents. Many families are in deep trouble. Professionals and factory workers alike have lost their jobs and their livelihoods. Too many working women who are single parent heads of households are struggling in vain to make ends meet. Too many children are both hungry and homeless, without the protection against disease which government once provided, such as inoculation against measles and early detection of tuberculosis. We must not continue to be a nation which abandons so many of its young to abject poverty. We need a President who feels their pain, and will act to end it. It seems very clear that the gridlock, the stalemate between the White House and the Congress will continue so long as George Bush is President. In the last analysis, the buck stops in the Oval Office. However difficult the Congress, it is the President's job to give creative and aggressive leadership and to find the ways to work with the Congress toward solving the nation's problems. This the present President has demonstrated he cannot or will not do. We believe Governor Bill Clinton and Senator Al Gore have the vision, the commitment, the ability and the energy to bring new life and new direction to our beloved country. We are prepared to place our trust in them in the belief that they can make America again a place of hope and a land of promise for all its people. ### 30 ### For Immediate Release: Contact: Avis Lavelle October 28,1992 (501)-399-3840 STATEMENT BY JOHN B. ANDERSON ENDORSING CLINTON/GORE As a Republican Congressman from Illinois for 20 years, an independent candidate for President in 1980 and a registered independent for the last 12 years, I hardly qualify as a pliant official spokesman for the Democratic party. I have been highly critical of the performance of the two major parties, and my dissatisfaction with what the 2-party system has produced has been shared not only by the almost 6 million people who supported me in 1980, but by the millions more who have shown a willingness over the past year to seriously consider another independent candidate for President. Like millions of independent-minded Americans, I continue to believe that the need to profoundly reform the way politics is practiced in the United States is a pressing one. It is for that reason that so many of us have concluded that four more years of George Bush and Dan Quayle is an unthinkably disturbing prospect, and that it is extremely important that this year independents support the Clinton-Gore ticket. On one hand, the Bush Administration has brought us a four year swing between inanity and stagnation. The President's policies are outdated, his administration without any apparent energy or vision, his tone increasingly--and disturbingly-- ugly. By contrast, Governor Clinton and Senator Gore offer a conscientiousness, an understanding of the grave straits our great nation is in, a seriousness of purpose, a vibrancy, and a record of substantial accomplishment. I agree with Governor Clinton's emphasis on restoring a sense of responsibility at home, and I am impressed with his effectiveness in bringing about concrete achievements in the areas of education, health care and welfare reform in Arkansas. I share his view that we need a strategy of "engagement for democracy" abroad. And I respect the fortitude, and commitment to public service, and basic decency that have characterized both his successful tenure as Governor and his campaign for the Presidency. I therefore urge independent-minded voters to join me in supporting Governor Clinton and Senator Gore. -30- INDEPENDENTS FOR CLINTON/GORE WHO WILL ATTEND DENVER, CO 10:30 Mountain Time JOHN ANDERSON - Fort Lauderdale, Florida In 1960, Mr. Anderson was elected a U.S Representative to Congress from the 16th District of Illinois, and served ten consecutive terms in U.S Congress until 1980. In 1980, Anderson ran in the Republican primary for President of the Unites States. In November of that year he ran as an independant candidate, receiving approximately 6.6% of the popular vote, or 5,720,060 votes. CALVIN WALLER - Colorado Springs, Colorado Lieutenant General Calvin Waller, U.S. Army (Retired) was Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Waller also served in Vietnam, as Joint Operations Officer, Military Assistance Command. Since November 1991, Waller has been the Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President of RKK LTD., an environmental technology company. NATIONAL REPUBLICANS FOR CLINTON/GORE WHO WILL ATTEND: John H. Buchanan, Jr. Alabama Represented the Sixth Congressional District of Alabama for sixteen years. Senior member of the House Education and Labor and Foreign Affairs Committees. Vice President of the Republican Mainstream Committee. J. Taylor DeWeese Pennsylvania Administrative Director, Republican National Convention 1988. Lawrence Y. Goldberg Rhode Island Held appointments in four Republican Administrations: Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. Active in both the Bush for President Campaign(1980) and the 1984 and 1988 Republican presidential campaigns. Brian L. Greenspun Nevada President, general counsel and editor of the Las Vegas Sun. Vice President of Prime Cable of Las Vegas. Chairman, American Nevada Corporation. Alternate Juvenille Court Judge since 1975. John A. Hooper Californai Served under President Eisenhower as a Member of the Armaments Committee, North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Until recently a director of the Eisenhower World Affairs Institute in Washington, D.C. Thomas Hoving New York Served as Commissioner of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs in New York City. Former Director of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. Harry Jeffrey California Former President of the California Republican League of Orange County. Chief Archivist and Historian of the Nixon Administration's Cost of Living Council. Staff assistant to Republican members of Congress, and at the RNC. Anita Mangels California Chair of the California Republicans for Clinton/Gore. Director of the California Abortion Rights Action League/ Orange County Chapter. Recently featured on ABC's "This Week With David Brinkley" and NPR's "All Things Considered." Marc Lincoln Marks Pennsylvania/D.C. Represented the 24th Congressional District of Pennsylvania for six years until he voluntarily retired in 1983. At retirement, the ranking member of the Commerce Committee's Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee. Clay Myers Oregon Former Oregon Secretary of State (1967-77) and former Oregon State Treasurer (1977-84). Delegate to two Republican National Conventions. National Steering Committee, Bush Presidential Campaign, 1979-80. Retired vice president, J.P. Morgan Investment Management, Inc. Russ Peterson Delaware Governor of Delaware, 1969-1973. Former Chairman of the President' Council on Environmental Quality (1973-1976) and Director of the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment(1978-1979). Clyde V. Prestowitz, Jr. Hawaii Chief Trade Negotiator under Reagan. Founder and President, Economic Strategy Institute. Author, Trading Places, an influential book on the U.S./Japan conflict. Kathryn G. Thompson California 1988 Bush delegate to the Republican National Convention. A major local and national Republican fundraiser including membership in the Member of the Bush Team 100 Club ($100,000 donation). Harriett M. Wieder California Sitting Orange County, CA Supervisor. Presidential appointee, Intergovernmental Advisory Council on Education (1982-87). COLORADO REPUBLICANS FOR CLINTON/GORE WHO WILL ATTEND: Martha Campbell Volunteer, Bush Presidential Campaign 1980 Warren Olsen President, Students for Bush/Quayle 1988 at Duke University Jumetta Posey Former Finance Director, Black Republican Women of Colorado Don Specht President, Colorado Education Association in Longmont, CO Carlos Suarez Regional Director, Small Business Association under Reagan OTHER PROMINENT REPUBLICANS FOR CLINTON/GORE NOT HERE TODAY National Co-Chairs Congresswoman Claudine Schneider--former Rhode Island Congresswoman (RI); Congressman Stan Tupper--former Maine Congressman (ME); Arthur Flemming--former Secretary of HEW under President Nixon; Bob Nelson--former Chief of Staff to Senator Seymour (R-CA) elected vice president, California Young Republicans, chairman and CEO, Nelson Communications Group (CA) Former Federal Government Officials John Frohnmayer--former Chairman, NEA under President Bush (OR); Richard P. Nathan--former Deputy Undersecretary, HEW under President Nixon; Bill Eberle--former trade ambassador under President Nixon (ID); Katherine Jacobson--former Director of Congressional Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce under President Bush (CA); John Paul Gurrola--White House Political Affairs Office under President Bush (DC); Dr. Raymond Tanter--former member, National Security Council under Reagan (MI) Other Elected Officials Susan McLane--New Hampshire State Senator (NH); Kerry Kirschner--former Mayor, Sarasota, FL (FL); Judy Curreri--former mayor, Dana Point, CA, present Dana Point City Council member (CA); Ron Shenkman--former Mayor, Huntington Beach, CA (CA); William M. Paparian--member, Pasadena City Council (CA); Marge Powell--former member, Dearborn, MI City Council (MI); William M. Brinton--former President, San Fransisco City Planning Commission (CA); Marion Lord--former New Hampshire State Legislator, former Dean of Faculty, City University of NY (NH); Hope McCormick--former Illinois State Representative, former member, RNC (IL) GOP Party Positions William Raith--former Chairman, Maryland Republican Party (MD); Kitty Black Rinehart--former member, Republican National Committee (MD); Diane Moore--former Director of Opposition Research, RNC (PA); Elizabeth Rickey--member, Republican State Central Committee (LA); Willis V. Reed--member, Republican State Central Committee (LA); Wilma Bonvillion--member, Republican State Central Committee (LA); Bill Daugherty--former member, Republican State Central Committee (CA); Billy Martinez--former member, Republican State Central Committee (NM); Mark Gregory--1988 County Chair for Bush/Quayle, Hopkins County, TX (TX); James Bridgewater--former County Vice Chairman, Republican State Central Committee (OR); Thom Houseman--'92 Bush delegate alternate, '84 Reagan delegate, '80 Bush Primary Campaign County Chair (MI); Prof. William Weston--Chair, 1988 Bush/Quayle Family Issues Committee (MD); Susan Snyder--former RNC fundraiser (PA) Business Leaders Roger Johnson--Chairman and CEO, Western Digital Corp. (CA); John Sculley--CEO, Apple Computers, Inc. (CA); John Young--CEO, Hewlett-Packard, Chairman, Council on Competitiveness under Reagan (CA); Louis Cabot--Director Emeritus and former Chairman, The Cabot Corporation (MA); John D. Correnti--President and CEO, Nucor Corp. (NC); Bill Spencer--CEO, Allegheny Liquid Systems (PA); John Irving--CEO, Mid-Atlantic Capital Group (PA); John Hardie--former President, New Hampshire Savings Bank (NH); Bob Tonsfeldt--former President, Bell South Mobility (GA); Lawrence Ellison--President and CEO, Oracle Systems Corp. (CA); Morton Friedkin--President, Friedkin Becker Real Estate (CA); Robert Gordon--former Vice-President of Finance, Western Growers Association (CA); Roland Rebele--publisher of several community newspapers (CA); Kathleen Anne Krohne--President, The Krohne Company, retired Commander, U.S. Navy (CA); Albert Gamper, Jr.--Chairman and CEO, The CIT Group (NJ); Allen Bildner--former CEO and Chairman, Kings Supermarket (NJ) Sampling of Other Prominent Republicans George Cabot Lodge--Professor, Harvard School of Business (MA); Marshall Stoltz--Curator, Norman Rockwell Museum, Philadelphia (PA); Del Weber--President, California Teacher's Association (CA); Richard Magaziner--former township commissioner (PA); Major Wheelock--Vice President and Treasurer, Franklin Pierce College (NH); Jim Malone--Head Surgeon, Maricopa Medical Center (AZ); Barry Sweet--President, Arizona Right to Choose Organization (AZ); Darwen Bromley--President, Mayfair Games (IL); Dick Warg--founder, R.J. Warg and Associates (CA); Leni Miller--CEO, Leni Miller Personnel Inc. (CA); Kathryn Thornton--Chair, Sacramento Republicans for Clinton (CA); Ken Ahl--former Director of Comunications, San Diego Chamber of Commerce (CA); Ruth Gadebush--four-term member, Fresno School Board (CA); Charles Dawes--grand-nephew of Charles Dawes, Coolidge's Vice-President (OH); Larry German--former elected member, Albuquerque School Board (NM); Marjean Whitehouse--former Director, Madras County Chamber of Commerce (OR); Barry Kingham-- former assistant US attorney (NY) END of RELEASE