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Re: Logo Contest

> How do people feel about holding a logo contest for the LDP logo?

It worked for the Open Source Writers Group :)  You'll probably be able
to get sponsors for the contest as well.  We ended up with a prize pack
that included 2 shirts, 2 stuffed animals (a Tux from LinuxMall and a
puffin from the Puffin Group), and a year's subscription to Linux
Magazine.  We had, if I recall correctly, 25+ entries (of which only 14
met the requirements, unfortunately), and the final logo is really quite
nice.  You can view the logo on the front page of the OSWG site (URL

- deb

== The Puffin Group
== http://www.thepuffingroup.com
== deb@thepuffingroup.com

== Open Source Writers Group
== http://www.thepuffingroup.com/oswg

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