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Re: installing linux on current window system

>From: "Jason Wai" <jasonwai@hotmail.com>
>To: ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org
>Subject: installing linux on current window system
>Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 17:21:12 PST
>I have a pentium120 system running windows 95.  I was wondering if it is
>possible to install linux on it without disturbing the windows system.  
>is, I still wan my windows to stay.

Hi jasonwai,

    Sorry, but you are looking at a wrong place. This is not the place to 
get tech. information about Linux. See the LDP websites and go through the 
Linux+Win95 and similar HOWTO's. There are also many articles about this 
that may be appearing in some of the local magazines.

Best of luck, new Linux user!

Rahul Joshi
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