Other e-music FTP sites

This is an HTML version of Piet van Oostrum's monthly posting of e-music-related FTP sites. It will be updated as new sites are added to the monthly FAQ. Note that Piet's version contains more information about mailing lists and other items not currently directly accessible via Mosaic.

The latest version of the file (including this info) is available from the cs.ruu.nl archive as MIDI/DOC/archives and on the various news.answers archives.

There is an FTP archive at ucsd.edu [] . It contains a.o. MIDI files, patches and a few programs.

Also one at media-lab.media.mit.edu .

atari.archive.umich:/atari/Music.edu [] contains Atari stuff.

scam.berkeley.edu [] contains netjam submissions on midifiles in directory '/misc/netjam/submissions/'.

louie.udel.edu [] has patches, samples, sequences and software in 'pub/midi/'.

wagner.musicnet.ua.edu is a site that just started to collect music stuff. Report all problems/questions to root@tbf.musicnet.ua.edu.

ftp.reed.edu [] has EPS-16+ samples in /pub/samples. A list is in /pub/docs/samples/sample.index.txt. There are some programs for the EPS in /pub/utils (Atari ST and MSDOS). See /pub/docs/utils for info.

Two ftp sites for the Kurzweil K2000:

  1. ftp.uwp.edu (maintained by jbuckman@aas.org)
  2. cs.utk.edu (maintained by martin@cs.utk.edu)

qiclab.scn.rain.com/pub/music contains various conversion programs.

ForRoland samplers, there is an FTP archive that includes introductory information, useful utilities (e.g., read Roland disks on your computer), archives of the mailing list, and some samples. The archive can be found in lotus.UWaterloo.ca:/pub/sgroup.

There also is a ftp-site with TX16W samples, maintained by one of the TX16W list-members at ftp-ls7.informatik.uni-dortmund.de/pub/tx16w/samples. There are also back issues of the TX-16W newsletter in /pub/tx16w/mail. There is also a mirror site in the U.S.A. at ftp.aii.com/pub/midi/tx16w.

Archives of the Music-Research Digest can be found at cattell.psych.upenn.edu/pub/Music.Research [].

impaqt1.mem.drexel.edu/pub/files/ibm/midi [] has a couple of MS/DOS files.

There is an EMAX (I and II) FTP site at sweaty.palm.cri.nz [] including some samples, FAQ, archives of mailing list and some software to allow sample interchange for PC compatibles

Cakewalk files can be found at nic.funet.fi/pub/msdos/sound/cakewalk [] in and also on ucsd.edu.

There is a shareware sequencer called WinJammer for MS-Windows on ftp.cica.indiana.edu.

stjohn.gsfc.nasa.gov [] contains some Macintosh stuff and the EMUSIC-L mailing list archives.

mac.archive.umich.edu [] has a midi archive in mac/sound/midi.

An FTP site for predominantly D-70-related files: /pub/D70 on kilroy.jpl.nasa.gov.

IRCAM: We are opening an anonymous ftp site, ftp.ircam.fr. Since we are connected to the Internet via a 9600b line, please try to do your bulk transfers between 10pm MET and 8 am MET as a courtesy to our users. Please use, don't abuse!

(amongst other items at this site are:)

Computer music software and info
List of directories of some well-known comp music ftp sites
Music databases
FAQ about audio, dsp, etc...
MIDI standard definition
Papers on music
Bibliographies in Optical Music Recognition
Repository of public domain computer music programs


irus.rri.uwo.ca:/pub/music contains a Cubase demo.

ftp.mcc.ac.uk/pub/cubase is a Cubase archive, containing Atari, Mac and MSWindows demos.


You'll find some NoiseTracker/SoundTracker MOD files, and Soundblaster things on the following FTP sites:

Piet's own MIDI archive is available via ftp from ftp.cs.ruu.nl []

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--- Joe McMahon (xrjdm@twinpeaks.gsfc.nasa.gov)