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wxGUI Icons sets

This page serves as reference for the icons themes available for wxGUI.

The icon theme can be changed from the User GUI settings dialog (available from menu 'Config->Preferences'); tab 'Advanced'. Note that GUI restart is required to reflect newly selected icon set.

Currently are supported three icon theme sets:

New GRASS theme v0.1 (author Robert Szczepanek) available also from SVN
Original TCL/TK-based GRASS icon theme
Silk theme-based on Silk icon set, v1.3

List of icons

Layer Manager Toolbar Map Display Toolbar Vector Digitizer Toolbar
   grass2       grass       silk   
   grass2       grass       silk   
   grass2       grass       silk   

$Date: 2010-11-29 13:09:59 -0800 (Mon, 29 Nov 2010) $

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