Last revised 1996.08.16
Recent additions: keyword feature; lambda, #!key, let (letrec, let*, named let)
This draft describes an application profile of DSSSL designed for the formatting specification requirements of online SGML browsers and editors (including HTML browsers and editors). This subset, DSSSL Online (informally "dsssl-o"), supports the basic features needed to provide publisher-oriented formatting control of online displays and a minimum set of page-oriented features needed to provide utility printouts from browsers and editors.
Note that this draft is based on committee drafts of the full DSSSL Standard and may not accurately represent the final DSSSL Standard as published. Also, this document is not intended as an introduction to DSSSL, but rather as a description of conformance levels for users and implementors who have already read the standard. A PostScript copy of the DSSSL standard as published is available by anonymous FTP from in the directory /sgml/wg8/dsssl.
DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language) is an International Standard, ISO/IEC 10179:1996, for specifying document transformation and formatting in a platform- and vendor-neutral manner. DSSSL can be used with any document format for which a property set can be defined according to the Property Set Definition Requirements of ISO/IEC 10744. In particular, it can be used to specify the presentation of documents marked up according to ISO 8879:1986, Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).
DSSSL consists of two main components: a transformation language and a style language. The transformation language is used to specify structural transformations on SGML source files. For example, a telephone directory structured as a series of entries ordered by last name could, by applying a transformation spec, be rendered as a series of entries sorted by first name instead. The transformation language can also be used to specify the merging of two or more documents, the generation of indexes and tables of contents, and other operations. While the transformation language is a powerful tool for gaining the maximum use from document databases, the focus in early DSSSL implementations will be on the style language component.
Within the style language, it is possible to identify a number of capabilities that for one reason or another should be considered optional for early implementations. Recognizing this, the designers of DSSSL designated certain features of the style language as optional and created a Core Query Language and a Core Expression Language specifically in order to make more limited implementations possible. However, they did not define any particular subset of the style language component within the standard itself, but rather left that task to industry organizations and standards bodies. This application profile is intended to be one such specification.
The current document grew out of discussions on the former DSSSL-Lite mailing list during the period from September through November 1995. These discussions culminated in a December 9, 1995 meeting of key SGML and DSSSL implementors in Boston hosted by Jon Bosak of Novell and chaired by the late Yuri Rubinsky of SoftQuad. The application profile resulting from that meeting was published on the Internet on December 12, 1995 as the document do951212.htm and announced at a workshop of the Fourth International World Wide Web Conference the same day.
In August 1996, the application profile was updated by Jon Bosak (now an employee of Sun Microsystems) to correct a number of discrepancies between the summary descriptions of flow object characteristics, which had been based on the September 1995 committee draft of the DSSSL specification, and the final DSSSL standard published in April 1996, and also to add certain optional features that are by consensus of the active DSSSL implementors now considered to be part of a minimal DSSSL implementation. These features include lambda, keywords, and let (including letrec, let*, and named let). This document is archived at in the directory /pub/sun-info/standards/dsssl/dssslo, from which it can be obtained by anonymous FTP.
This section summarizes the features and flow object classes that must be supported by a minimally conformant DSSSL Online application. Note that the appearance of a flow object class in this section does not imply that the minimal dsssl-o application supports all standard values of all characteristics associated with each flow object class; the extent of this support is detailed in the tables that appear later. The section numbers refer to sections in the DSSSL standard.
The following items are mandatory in the DSSSL standard and therefore in DSSSL Online.
Core query language, core expression language
Basic flow object classes
12.6.1 Sequence
12.6.2 Display group
12.6.6 Paragraph
12.6.7 Paragraph break
12.6.8 Line field
12.6.9 Sideline
12.6.11 Character
12.6.12 Leader
12.6.14 Rule
12.6.15 External graphic
12.6.17 Score
12.6.18 Box
12.6.22 Alignment point
12.6.23 Aligned column
The following flow object classes and features are optional in the full DSSSL Standard but are required in DSSSL Online.
Features: table, table-auto-width, online, simple-page, alignment, keyword
Syntactic keywords: lambda, #!key, letrec, let*, let (including named let)
Simple page flow object class
12.6.3 Simple page sequence
Table flow object classes Table Table part Table column Table row Table cell Table border
Online display flow object classes Scroll Multi-mode Link Marginalia
For reference purposes, this section lists those optional components of the full DSSSL Standard that need not be supported in applications claiming to minimally conform to the DSSSL Online application profile. The categorization of features and flow object classes used here does not appear in the standard itself but is provided as a possibly useful editorial device.
Features: page, multi-column, nested-column-set, combine-char, general-indirect, font-info, included-container, actual-characteristic
Complex typography flow object classes
12.6.4 Page sequence
12.6.5 Column set sequence
12.6.10 Anchor
12.6.16 Included container
12.6.19 Side-by-side
12.6.20 Side-by-side item
Features: bidi
Bidi flow object class
12.6.13 Embedded text
Features: vertical, inline-note, glyph-annotation, emphasizing-mark
Asian language flow object classes
12.6.21 Glyph annotation
12.6.24 Multi-line inline note
12.6.25 Emphasizing mark
Features: math
Mathematics flow object classes Math sequence Unmath Subscript Superscript Script Mark Fence Fraction Radical Math operator Grid Grid-cell
Full expression language
Full query language (SDQL)
Features: query, keyword
This section describes each flow object class in the DSSSL Online application profile and specifies minimum support for the characteristics of each flow object class.
In the tables below, the column headed Inh. indicates whether the characteristic is inherited (I) or non-inherited (N); the column headed Standard Values shows the values that are defined for each class in the full DSSSL standard; the column headed Standard Init/Default shows the initial or default value, if any, specified in the DSSSL standard; and the column headed Dsssl-o shows the minimum level of support to be expected in applications purporting to follow this application profile.
Dsssl-o support in the last column of each table is described as Standard, indicating that the characteristic is to be treated exactly as specified in the DSSSL Standard; Default, indicating that a minimal DSSSL Online application can, if necessary, substitute the default value specified in the Standard for any other legal value provided in a DSSSL style specification; Ignore, indicating that any value given for the characteristic can be ignored by a minimal DSSSL Online application; or Partial, indicating that some of the standard values must be supported, but not all of them. In the case of characteristics in the Partial category, the values for which support is not required are marked with asterisks (*). A minimal DSSSL Online application is allowed to substitute the standard initial or default value for any characteristic marked with an asterisk. However, every legal value must be propagated to inheriting flow objects when support for that value is required in the inheriting context.
A sequence flow object class is formatted to produce the concatenation of the areas produced by each of its children. It has a single principal port. Its children may be inlined or displayed.
NOTE: A sequence flow object is useful for specifying
inherited characteristics. For example, a sequence flow object with a
specification of a font-posture:
characteristic may be
constructed for an emphasized phrase element in a paragraph.
A port of a flow object shall accept a sequence flow object if and only if it would accept each of the flow objects in that sequence.
A display-group flow object class is formatted to produce the concatenation of the areas produced by each of its children. It has a single principal port. Its children shall all be displayed and it is itself displayed.
NOTE: It will, therefore, cause a line break in a paragraph even if the display-group has no content.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
coalesce-id | N | #f, string | #f | Ignore |
position-preference | N | #f, top, bottom | #f | Ignore |
space-before | N | display space | no space before | Standard |
space-after | N | display space | no space after | Standard |
keep-with-previous? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep-with-next? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
break-after | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
keep | N | #f, page, column-set*, column*, #t* | #f | Partial |
may-violate-keep-before? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
may-violate-keep-after? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
A simple-page-sequence flow object class is formatted to produce a sequence of page areas. A simple-page-sequence flow object has a single principal port that accepts any displayed flow object.
NOTE: The simple-page-sequence flow object is intended for systems that wish to provide a very simple page layout facility. More complex page layouts can be obtained with the page-sequence and column-set-sequence flow object classes.
A simple-page-sequence flow object shall not be allowed within the content of any other flow object class.
A simple-page-sequence may have a single line header and footer containing text that is constant except for a page number.
NOTE: A document can contain multiple simple-page-sequences. For example, each chapter of a document could be a separate simple-page-sequence; this would allow the chapter title within a header or footer line.
The page shall be filled from top to bottom. The display size for
the contents of the simple-page-sequence shall be the value of the
less the value of the
and right-margin:
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
page-width | I | length | system-dependent | Standard |
page-height | I | length | system-dependent | Standard |
left-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
right-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
top-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
bottom-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
header-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
footer-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
left-header | N | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
center-header | N | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
right-header | N | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
left-footer | N | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
center-footer | N | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
right-footer | N | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
Associated procedures:
Returns an indirect-sosofo whose content is a sequence of character flow objects representing the page number of the page on which the first area resulting from the indirect flow object specified by the indirect-sosofo occurs.
Returns an indirect-sosofo whose content is a sequence of character flow objects representing the page number of the primary flow object of the current node.
NOTE: This is intended to handle cross references in
conjunction with process-referent
A paragraph flow object represents a paragraph. It has a single principal port. The contents of this port may be either inlined or displayed. Inline flow objects are formatted to produce line areas. Displayed flow objects implicitly specify a break, and their areas shall be added to the resulting sequence of areas. A paragraph flow object may only be displayed.
NOTE: Typically, a break implies that a new line is to be started.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
lines | I | wrap, asis, asis-wrap*, asis-truncate*, none | wrap | Partial |
asis-truncate-char | I | #f, char object | #f | Ignore |
asis-wrap-char | I | #f, char object | #f | Ignore |
asis-wrap-indent | I | length-spec | #f | Ignore |
first-line-align | I | #f, char object | #f | Ignore |
alignment-point-offset | I | #f, number between 0 and 100 | 50 | Ignore |
ignore-record-end? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
expand-tabs? | I | #f, integer greater than zero | 8 | Standard |
line-spacing | I | length-spec | 12pt | Standard |
line-spacing-priority | I | force, integer | 0 | Default |
min-pre-line-spacing | I | #f, length-spec | #f | Default |
min-post-line-spacing | I | #f, length-spec | #f | Default |
min-leading | I | #f, length-spec | #f | Standard |
first-line-start-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
last-line-end-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Default |
hyphenation-char | I | character | #\- (the hyphen character) | Ignore |
hyphenation-method | I | #f, public identifier | #f | Default |
hyphenation-ladder-count | I | #f, integer greater than zero | #f | Default |
hyphenation-remain-char-count | I | positive integer | 2 | Ignore |
hyphenation-push-char-count | I | positive integer | 2 | Ignore |
hyphenation-keep | I | #f, spread, page, column | #f | Default |
hyphenation-exceptions | I | list of strings | the empty list | Default |
line-breaking-method | I | #f, public identifier | #f | Default |
line-composition-method | I | #f, public identifier | #f | Default |
implicit-bidi-method | I | #f, public identifier | Default | |
glyph-alignment-mode | I | base, center, top, bottom, font | font | Default |
font-family-name | I | #f, string | iso-serif | Standard |
font-weight | I | #f, not-applicable*, ultra-light*, extra-light*, light, semi-light*, medium, semi-bold*, bold, extra-bold*, ultra-bold* | medium | Partial |
font-posture | I | #f, not-applicable*, upright, oblique, back-slanted-oblique*, italic, back-slanted-italic* | upright | Partial |
font-structure | I | #f, not-applicable, solid, outline | solid | Default |
font-proportionate-width | I | #f, not-applicable*, ultra-condensed*, extra-condensed*, condensed, semi-condensed*, medium, semi-expanded*, expanded, extra-expanded*, ultra-expanded* | medium | Partial |
font-name | I | #f, public identifier | #f | Standard |
font-size | I | length | 10pt | Standard |
numbered-lines? | I | #f, #t | #t | Ignore |
line-number | I | #f, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Ignore |
line-number-side | I | start, end, spread-inside, spread-outside, page-inside, page-outside | Ignore | |
line-number-sep | I | length-spec | Ignore | |
quadding | I | start, end, spread-inside*, spread-outside*, page-inside*, page-outside*, center, justify* | start | Partial |
last-line-quadding | I | relative, start, end, spread-inside, spread-outside, page-inside, page-outside, center, justify | relative | Default |
last-line-justify-limit | I | length-spec | 0 | Ignore |
justify-glyph-space-max-add | I | length-spec | 0pt | Ignore |
justify-glyph-space-max-remove | I | length-spec | 0pt | Ignore |
hanging-punct? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
widow-count | I | positive integer | 2 | Default |
orphan-count | I | positive integer | 2 | Default |
language | I | #f, ISO 639 language code | #f | Standard |
country | I | #f, ISO 3166 country code | #f | Standard |
position-preference | N | #f, top, bottom | #f | Ignore |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
start-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
end-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
span | I | integer greater than zero | 1 | Default |
span-weak? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
space-before | N | display space | no space before | Standard |
space-after | N | display space | no space after | Standard |
keep-with-previous? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep-with-next? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
break-after | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
keep | N | #f, page, column-set*, column*, #t* | #f | Partial |
may-violate-keep-before? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
may-violate-keep-after? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
In conjunction with the paragraph-break flow object class, a paragraph flow object can be used to represent a sequence of paragraphs. The paragraphs are separated by paragraph-break flow objects, which are atomic. Paragraph-break flow objects are allowed only in paragraph flow objects. All the characteristics that are applicable to a paragraph flow object are also applicable to a paragraph-break flow object. The characteristics of a paragraph-break flow object determine how the portion of the content of the paragraph flow object following that paragraph-break flow object up to the next paragraph-break flow object, if any, is formatted.
NOTE: The paragraph-break flow object inherits from its containing paragraph flow object in the usual way.
The first-line-start-indent:
is applicable to the line
following a paragraph-break flow object, and the
is applicable to the line preceding
a paragraph-break flow object.
NOTE: It is recommended that paragraph-break flow objects are used only if there is no other way of specifying the desired formatting.
Characteristics: See Paragraph flow object class.
The line-field flow object class is inlined and has inline content.
It produces a single inline area. The width of this area is equal to
the value of the field-width:
characteristic. If the
content of line-field area cannot fit in this width, then the area
will grow to accommodate the content and, if the line-field occurs in
the paragraph, there shall be a break after the line-field.
It has a single principal port.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
field-width | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
field-align | I | start, end, center | start | Default |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
inhibit-line-breaks? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
break-after-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
A sideline flow object is used to contain flow objects that have an attachment area consisting of a line parallel to the placement direction. A sideline flow object has a single principal port which can contain both inlined and displayed flow objects. For each display area produced by its content, the sideline flow object adds an attachment. For each inline area produced by its content, the sideline flow object annotates that area so as to cause the paragraph in which the flow object occurs to add an attachment area to the line in which that inline area occurs.
NOTE: Sidelines are often used to mark changes.
Sidelines on consecutive areas in a single area container which have no space between them should be drawn as a single line.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
sideline-side | I | start, end, both, spread-inside*, spread-outside*, page-inside*, page-outside* | Partial | |
sideline-sep | I | length-spec | Standard | |
color | I | color | default color in Device Gray color space | Standard |
layer | I | integer | 0 | Default |
line-cap | I | butt, round, square | butt | Default |
line-dash | I | list of lengths | list containing the length 0pt | Default |
line-thickness | I | length | 1pt | Standard |
line-repeat | I | integer | 1 | Default |
line-sep | I | length | 1pt | Ignore |
A character flow object is atomic. Flow objects of this class can only be inlined.
A character flow object is formatted to produce a single inline
area. This may be merged with adjacent inline areas if the
property is true. The position point of the
inline area is the position point property of the glyph specified in
the font resource for the specified writing-mode. The escapement
direction is the direction between the position point and escapement
points as specified in the font resource for the specified
writing-mode. The size of the area in the escapement direction is the
distance between the position and escapement points. The size of the
area before and after the placement path in the line-progression
direction is the smallest that will enclose the extent of the glyph in
those directions as specified in the font resource for the specified
writing-mode. If the nominal alignment mode of the font resource for
the character flow object's writing-mode is not the same as the
paragraph's alignment mode, then the glyph area is automatically
adjusted as specified by the alignment mode property in the font
resource for the specified writing-mode.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
char | N | character | value of the current node's char property, if there is one, else the value of applying the char-map characteristic, if there is one | Standard |
char-map | I | #f, procedure | #f | Default |
glyph-id | N | #f, glyph-id | glyph-id of the nominal glyph specified using the standard-chars architectural form, else #f | Standard |
glyph-subst-table | I | #f, glyph-subst-table, list of glyph-subst-table | #f | Default |
glyph-subst-method | I | #f, public identifier, list of public identifiers | #f | Default |
glyph-reorder-method | I | #f, public identifier, list of public identifiers | #f | Default |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
font-family-name | I | #f, string | iso-serif | Standard |
font-weight | I | #f, not-applicable*, ultra-light*, extra-light*, light, semi-light*, medium, semi-bold*, bold, extra-bold*, ultra-bold* | medium | Partial |
font-posture | I | #f, not-applicable*, upright, oblique, back-slanted-oblique*, italic, back-slanted-italic* | upright | Partial |
math-font-posture | N | #f, not-applicable*, upright, oblique, back-slanted-oblique*, italic, back-slanted-italic* | the value of the math-font-posture character property of the char: characteristic | Partial |
font-structure | I | #f, not-applicable, solid, outline | solid | Default |
font-proportionate-width | I | #f, not-applicable*, ultra-condensed*, extra-condensed*, condensed, semi-condensed*, medium, semi-expanded*, expanded, extra-expanded*, ultra-expanded* | medium | Partial |
font-name | I | #f, public identifier | #f | Standard |
font-size | I | length | 10pt | Standard |
stretch-factor | N | number | 1 | Default |
hyphenate? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
hyphenation-method | I | #f, public identifier | #f | Default |
kern? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
kern-mode | I | loose, normal, kern, tight, touch | normal | Default |
ligature? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
allowed-ligatures | I | list of glyph-ids or chars | the empty list | Default |
space? | N | #f, #t | the value of the space? character property of the char: characteristic | Standard |
inline-space-space | I | inline-space | Ignore | |
escapement-space-before | I | inline-space | inline-space of 0pt | Ignore |
escapement-space-after | I | inline-space | inline-space of 0pt | Ignore |
record-end? | N | #f, #t | the value of the record-end? character property of the char: characteristic | Standard |
input-tab? | N | #f, #t | the value of the input-tab? character property of the char: characteristic if the char: characteristic was not explicitly specified, and otherwise #f | Standard |
input-whitespace-treatment | I | preserve, collapse, ignore | preserve | Standard |
input-whitespace? | N | #f, #t | the value of the input-white-space? character property of the char: characteristic if the char: characteristic was not explicitly specified, and otherwise #f | Default |
punct? | N | #f, #t | the value of the punct? character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
break-before-priority | N | integer | the value of the break-before-priority character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
break-after-priority | N | integer | the value of the break-after-priority character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
drop-after-line-break? | N | #f, #t | the value of the drop-after-line-break? character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
drop-unless-before-line-break? | N | #f, #t | the value of the drop-unless-before-line-break? character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
math-class | N | ordinary, operator, binary, relation, opening, closing, punctuation, inner, space | the value of the math-class character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
script | N | #f, formal public identifier | the value of the script character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
position-point-shift | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
language | I | #f, ISO 639 language code | #f | Standard |
country | I | #f, ISO 3166 country code | #f | Standard |
color | I | color | default color in Device Gray color space | Standard |
layer | I | integer | 0 | Default |
inhibit-line-breaks? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
A leader flow object can only be inlined. A leader flow object has a single principal port containing the inline flow objects to be repeated.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
length | N | length-spec | determined by context | Standard |
truncate-leader? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
align-leader? | I | #f, #t | #t | Standard |
min-leader-repeat | I | integer greater than 0 | 1 | Standard |
inhibit-line-breaks? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
break-after-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
A rule is used to specify a straight line. Rules may be inlined or displayed.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
orientation | N | horizontal, vertical, escapement, line-progression | shall be specified | Standard |
length | N | length | determined by context | Standard |
color | I | color | default color in Device Gray color space | Standard |
layer | I | integer | 0 | Default |
line-cap | I | butt, round, square | butt | Default |
line-dash | I | list of lengths | list containing the length 0pt | Default |
line-thickness | I | length | 1pt | Standard |
line-repeat | I | integer | 1 | Default |
line-sep | I | length | 1pt | Ignore |
position-point-shift | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
inhibit-line-breaks? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
break-after-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
position-preference | N | #f, top, bottom | #f | Ignore |
display-alignment | I | start, center, end, inside*, outside* | start | Partial |
start-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
end-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
span | I | integer greater than zero | 1 | Default |
span-weak? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
space-before | N | display space | no space before | Standard |
space-after | N | display space | no space after | Standard |
keep-with-previous? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep-with-next? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
break-after | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
keep | N | #f, page, column-set*, column*, #t* | #f | Partial |
may-violate-keep-before? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
may-violate-keep-after? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
The external-graphic flow object class is used for graphics contained in an external entity. Flow objects of this class may be inlined or displayed. This flow object is atomic.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
display? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
scale | N | number, list of two numbers, max, max-uniform | max-uniform | Standard |
max-width | N | length-spec | Standard | |
max-height | N | length-spec | Standard | |
entity-system-id | N | #f, system identifier | shall be specified | Standard |
notation-system-id | N | system identifier | shall be specified | Standard |
color | I | color | default color in Device Gray color space | Standard |
layer | I | integer | 0 | Default |
position-preference | N | #f, top, bottom | #f | Ignore |
display-alignment | I | start, center, end, inside*, outside* | start | Partial |
start-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
end-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
span | I | integer greater than zero | 1 | Default |
span-weak? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
space-before | N | display space | no space before | Standard |
space-after | N | display space | no space after | Standard |
keep-with-previous? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep-with-next? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
break-after | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
keep | N | #f, page, column-set*, column*, #t* | #f | Partial |
may-violate-keep-before? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
may-violate-keep-after? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
position-point-x | N | length-spec | 0 if writing-mode is left-to-right or right-to-left | Standard |
position-point-y | N | length-spec | 0 if writing-mode is top-to-bottom | Standard |
escapement-direction | N | top-to-bottom, left-to-right, right-to-left | the value of writing-mode | Default |
inhibit-line-breaks? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
break-after-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
The score flow object has a single principal port. The content of this port is scored. The port can contain only inlined flow objects.
NOTE: Kendot scoring in Japanese is achieved using the emphasizing-mark flow object class of full DSSSL.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
type | N | before, through, after, length-spec, character | shall be specified | Standard |
score-spaces? | I | #f, #t | #t | Standard |
color | I | color | default color in Device Gray color space | Standard |
layer | I | integer | 0 | Default |
line-cap | I | butt, round, square | butt | Default |
line-dash | I | list of lengths | list containing the length 0pt | Default |
line-thickness | I | length | 1pt | Standard |
line-repeat | I | integer | 1 | Default |
line-sep | I | length | 1pt | Ignore |
inhibit-line-breaks? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
The box flow object may be used to put a box around a sequence of
flow objects. The box flow object is either displayed or inlined
depending on the value of the display?:
The box flow object has a single principal port. If the box is
displayed, then the port shall accept any displayed flow objects. If
the box is inlined, then the port shall accept any inline flow
The box flow object may result in more than one area. In this
case, the border of the box adjacent to the break may be omitted if
the box-open-end?:
characteristic is true.
If the box is inlined, then this border shall be perpendicular to the writing-mode. If the box is displayed, then this border shall be parallel to the writing-mode.
When the box is displayed, the size of the box (that is, the distance between the positions of the borders) in the direction determined by the writing-mode shall be equal to the display size of the box less the start and end indents. The display size for the content of the box shall be equal to the size of the box.
NOTE: Thus, the start-indent:
characteristics for the content of the box
shall be set to give the desired separation between the border of the
box and its content. There is no automatic separation to take account
of the thickness of border.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
display? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
box-type | I | border, background, both | border | Standard |
box-open-end? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
background-color | I | color | #f | Standard |
background-layer | I | integer | -1 | Default |
box-corner-rounded | I | #f, #t, list of corner specs | #f | Default |
box-corner-radius | I | length-spec | 3pt | Ignore |
box-border-alignment | I | center, outside, inside | outside | Default |
box-size-before | I | length | 8pt | Standard |
box-size-after | I | length | 4pt | Standard |
color | I | color | default color in Device Gray color space | Standard |
layer | I | integer | 0 | Default |
line-cap | I | butt, round, square | butt | Default |
line-dash | I | list of lengths | list containing the length 0pt | Default |
line-thickness | I | length | 1pt | Standard |
line-repeat | I | integer | 1 | Default |
line-sep | I | length | 1pt | Ignore |
line-miter-limit | I | number | 10 | Default |
line-join | I | miter, round, bevel | miter | Default |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
position-preference | N | #f, top, bottom | #f | Ignore |
inhibit-line-breaks? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
break-after-priority | N | integer | 0 | Ignore |
start-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
end-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
span | I | integer greater than zero | 1 | Default |
span-weak? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
space-before | N | display space | no space before | Standard |
space-after | N | display space | no space after | Standard |
keep-with-previous? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep-with-next? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
break-after | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
keep | N | #f, page, column-set*, column*, #t* | #f | Partial |
may-violate-keep-before? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
may-violate-keep-after? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
An alignment-point flow object class specifies an explicit
alignment point for paragraphs with a first-line-align:
characteristic equal to #t. It is atomic and inlined.
An aligned-column flow object is used for grouping together
externally aligned paragraphs. An aligned-column is displayed. It
has a single principal port that may contain any displayed flow
objects. Displayed flow objects in the port that are not externally
aligned paragraphs shall be formatted normally. The externally
aligned paragraphs in the content or in side-by-side flow objects in
the content are aligned in the direction of the writing-mode so that
their alignment points lie on a line in the placement direction. The
resulting group of aligned lines is then positioned according to the
, start-indent:
, and
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
display-alignment | I | start, center, end, inside*, outside* | start | Partial |
start-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
end-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
position-preference | N | #f, top, bottom | #f | Ignore |
space-before | N | display space | no space before | Standard |
space-after | N | display space | no space after | Standard |
keep-with-previous? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep-with-next? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
break-after | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
keep | N | #f, page, column-set*, column*, #t* | #f | Partial |
may-violate-keep-before? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
may-violate-keep-after? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
A table flow object has a single principal port. The contents of this port shall be either:
If it contains flow objects of class table-column, they shall occur before all flow objects of other classes. A table flow object can only be displayed.
A table has two directions associated with it, a
row-progression direction and a column-progression direction. The
row-progression direction is equal to the placement direction of the
table flow object. The column-progression direction is given by the
value of the writing-mode:
characteristic of the table
flow object. These are required to be perpendicular.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
table-width | N | #f, length-spec | display-size less applicable indent | Standard |
table-auto-width-method | I | #f, public identifier | #f | Standard |
table-border | I | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
before-row-border | N | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | value of the table-border characteristic | Standard |
after-row-border | N | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | value of the table-border characteristic | Standard |
before-column-border | N | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | value of the table-border characteristic | Standard |
after-column-border | N | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | value of the table-border characteristic | Standard |
table-corner-rounded | I | #f, #t, list of x-y pairs | #f | Default |
table-corner-radius | I | length-spec | 3pt | Ignore |
position-preference | N | #f, top, bottom | #f | Ignore |
display-alignment | I | start, center, end, inside*, outside* | start | Partial |
start-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
end-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
span | I | integer greater than zero | 1 | Default |
span-weak? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
space-before | N | display space | no space before | Standard |
space-after | N | display space | no space after | Standard |
keep-with-previous? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep-with-next? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
break-after | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
keep | N | #f, page, column-set*, column*, #t* | #f | Partial |
may-violate-keep-before? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
may-violate-keep-after? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
A table-part flow object is allowed only within a table flow object. A table-part flow object has three ports:
is used for the table header.footer
is used for the table footer.The only flow objects that are allowed in the ports of a table-part flow object shall be only those explicitly specified herein. Flow objects of class table-column are allowed in the principal port; they shall occur before flow objects of any other class. All ports shall accept flow objects of class table-row and table-cell.
The result of formatting a table-part flow object is a sequence of
areas. Each area consists of the content of the header port (unless
omitted because of the table-part-omit-middle-header?:
characteristic), followed by some portion of the content of the
principal port, followed by the content of the footer port (unless
omitted because of the table-part-omit-middle-footer?:
characteristic). Each row in the principal port occurs exactly once
and the order of the rows shall be preserved. The rows in the header
and footer ports shall be replicated for each result area.
All table-parts in a table have the same width.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
table-part-omit-middle-header? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
table-part-omit-middle-footer? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
space-before | N | display space | no space before | Standard |
space-after | N | display space | no space after | Standard |
keep-with-previous? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep-with-next? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
break-before | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
break-after | N | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
keep | N | #f, page, column-set*, column*, #t* | #f | Partial |
may-violate-keep-before? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
may-violate-keep-after? | N | #f, #t | #f | Default |
A table-column flow object is an atomic flow object that specifies characteristics applicable to table cells that have the same column and span.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
column-number | N | integer greater than zero | 1 plus the column-number of the previous table column flow object, if any, else 1 | Standard |
n-columns-spanned | N | integer greater than zero | 1 | Standard |
width | N | length-spec | shall be specified unless table-auto-width feature is present | Standard |
display-alignment | I | start, center, end, inside*, outside* | start | Partial |
start-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
end-indent | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
Associated procedure:
(table-unit k
Returns a length-spec that specifies k
units of
proportional measure. This can be used in the value of the
characteristic. The value of a unit of
proportional measure for a particular table is chosen so that the
total width of the columns is equal to the specified width of the
NOTE: This allows the width of a column to be specified proportionally.
The width of a column for which no width is specified shall be at least as great as the maximum of the minimum possible widths of the content of any table cells that span exactly that column.
NOTE: When a table-cell includes a paragraph for which
the lines:
characteristic has a value of
, the minimum possible width of that paragraph is
determined in a system-dependent manner. It might, for example, be
the length of the longest word.
If a table cell spans more than one column, then the sum of the widths of the columns that it spans shall be at least as great as the width of the content of the table cell.
If a length-spec is specified for a column's width, then the column shall be exactly that wide.
If a length-spec is specified for a column-width, then that length shall be used as the display size for any table-cells which span exactly that column.
Other aspects of the width computation method
can be controlled with the table-auto-width-method:
A table-row flow object serves to group table cells into rows: all table cells in a table-row start in the same geometric row.
A table-row has a single principal port, which accepts flow objects of class table-cell.
A table-row flow object can only occur as the child of a table-part or table flow object.
When flow objects of class table-cell occur directly in a
table-part or table, then cells are grouped into rows using the
and ends-row?:
A table-cell has a single principal port. It shall accept any flow object that can be displayed. A table-cell flow object shall only occur as the child of a table-row, table-part, or table flow object.
NOTE: The alignment of the content of a table-cell in
the column-progression direction (e.g., horizontal alignment for
left-to-right, top-to-bottom text) shall be controlled by the
or quadding:
characteristics of the content of the table-cell.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
column-number | N | integer greater than zero | current column number | Standard |
n-columns-spanned | N | integer greater than zero | 1 | Standard |
n-rows-spanned | N | integer greater than zero | 1 | Standard |
cell-before-row-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
cell-after-row-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
cell-before-column-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
cell-after-column-margin | I | length | 0pt | Standard |
cell-row-alignment | I | start, end, center | start | Standard |
cell-background? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
background-color | I | color | #f | Standard |
background-layer | I | integer | -1 | Default |
cell-before-row-border | I | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
cell-after-row-border | I | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
cell-before-column-border | I | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
cell-after-column-border | I | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
starts-row? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
ends-row? | N | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
cell-crossed | I | #f, with, across, both | #f | Default |
line-cap | I | butt, round, square | butt | Default |
line-dash | I | list of lengths | list containing the length 0pt | Default |
line-thickness | I | length | 1pt | Standard |
line-repeat | I | integer | 1 | Default |
line-sep | I | length | 1pt | Ignore |
float-out-sidelines? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
float-out-marginalia? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
float-out-line-numbers? | I | #f, #t | #f | Default |
A table-border flow object is an atomic flow object used to specify the border of a table cell or of the table as a whole. A table-border flow object is not allowed in the content of any flow object.
The width of borders does not affect the width of cells, nor the
positioning of the contents of cells, nor the width of the table, nor
the size of the area produced by the table. In particular the width
of the table, as specified by the table-width:
characteristic on the table, is equal to the sum of the widths of the
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
border-priority | I | integer | 0 | Default |
border-alignment | I | center, start, end, outside, inside | center | Default |
border-present? | I | #f, #t | #t | Standard |
border-omit-at-break? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
color | I | color | default color in Device Gray color space | Standard |
layer | I | integer | 0 | Default |
line-cap | I | butt, round, square | butt | Default |
line-dash | I | list of lengths | list containing the length 0pt | Default |
line-thickness | I | length | 1pt | Standard |
line-repeat | I | integer | 1 | Default |
line-sep | I | length | 1pt | Ignore |
line-miter-limit | I | number | 10 | Default |
line-join | I | miter, round, bevel | miter | Default |
A scroll flow object class is used as the top-level flow object for online display that does not divide output into pages. It has a single principal port, which accepts displayed flow objects. The size of the flow object in the direction perpendicular to the filling-direction is determined by the viewing environment.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
filling-direction | I | top-to-bottom, left-to-right, right-to-left | top-to-bottom | Default |
writing-mode | I | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
background-color | I | color | #f | Standard |
background-layer | I | integer | -1 | Default |
background-tile | I | #f, external graphic | #f | Standard |
start-margin | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
end-margin | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
A multi-mode flow object is a flow object with two or more modes of presentation. The flow object can be switched between these modes of presentation in a system-dependent way.
NOTE: An implementation might present a menu of the different modes. Alternatively, clicking on the formatted flow object might cycle through the modes.
This flow object is inlined or displayed according to its content and mode of presentation.
The flow object has one port for each mode. The content of that port specifies the presentation in the corresponding mode. Initially, the flow object shall be displayed using the principal mode.
NOTE: For example, an icon which when clicked causes a
window to be popped up could be represented by a multi-mode flow
object with two ports, the first containing an icon flow object and
the second containing a vertical-scroll flow object. In this case,
the principal-mode-simultaneous?:
characteristic would be
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
multi-modes | N | list | must be specified | Standard |
principal-mode-simultaneous? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
A link flow object represents a hypertext link that can be interactively traversed typically by clicking on the areas representing the flow object and its content. A link has a single principal port, which can contain both inlined and displayed flow objects. Link flow objects can be nested and the innermost link is effective.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
destination | N | #f, address, list of addresses | shall be specified | Standard |
The marginalia flow object class is used to contain flow objects whose resulting areas shall be attachment areas for the line in which the marginalia flow object occurs. The marginalia flow object has a single principal port which shall contain only inlined flow objects. A marginalia flow object shall have an ancestor flow object that is of class paragraph.
The behavior when there is more than one marginalia area attached to a single line is system-dependent.
Characteristic | Inh. | Standard Values | Standard Init/Default | Dsssl-o |
marginalia-sep | I | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
marginalia-side | I | start, end | start | Standard |
marginalia-keep-with-previous? | I | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
The following tables show standard values and minimum dsssl-o support for all characteristics that can be specified for the flow object classes in the DSSSL Online subset.
Characteristic | Flow object classes | Standard Values | Std. Initial Value | Dsssl-o |
align-leader? | leader | #f, #t | #t | Standard |
alignment-point-offset | paragraph | #f, number between 0 and 100 | 50 | Ignore |
allowed-ligatures | character | list of glyph-ids or chars | the empty list | Default |
asis-truncate-char | paragraph | #f, char object | #f | Ignore |
asis-wrap-char | paragraph | #f, char object | #f | Ignore |
asis-wrap-indent | paragraph | length-spec | #f | Ignore |
background-color | box scroll table-cell | color | #f | Standard |
background-layer | box scroll table-cell | integer | -1 | Default |
background-tile | scroll | #f, external graphic | #f | Standard |
border-alignment | table-border | center, start, end, outside, inside | center | Default |
border-omit-at-break? | table-border | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
border-present? | table-border | #f, #t | #t | Standard |
border-priority | table-border | integer | 0 | Default |
bottom-margin | simple-page-sequence | length | 0pt | Standard |
box-border-alignment | box | center, outside, inside | outside | Default |
box-corner-radius | box | length-spec | 3pt | Ignore |
box-corner-rounded | box | #f, #t, list of corner specs | #f | Default |
box-open-end? | box | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
box-size-after | box | length | 4pt | Standard |
box-size-before | box | length | 8pt | Standard |
box-type | box | border, background, both | border | Standard |
cell-after-column-border | table-cell | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
cell-after-column-margin | table-cell | length | 0pt | Standard |
cell-after-row-border | table-cell | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
cell-after-row-margin | table-cell | length | 0pt | Standard |
cell-background? | table-cell | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
cell-before-column-border | table-cell | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
cell-before-column-margin | table-cell | length | 0pt | Standard |
cell-before-row-border | table-cell | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
cell-before-row-margin | table-cell | length | 0pt | Standard |
cell-crossed | table-cell | #f, with, across, both | #f | Default |
cell-row-alignment | table-cell | start, end, center | start | Standard |
char-map | character | #f, procedure | #f | Default |
color | box character external-graphic rule score sideline table-border | color | default color in Device Gray color space | Standard |
country | character paragraph | #f, ISO 3166 country code | #f | Standard |
display-alignment | aligned-column external-graphic rule table table-column | start, center, end, inside*, outside* | start | Partial |
end-indent | aligned-column box external-graphic paragraph rule table table-column | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
end-margin | scroll | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
escapement-space-after | character | inline-space | inline-space of 0pt | Ignore |
escapement-space-before | character | inline-space | inline-space of 0pt | Ignore |
expand-tabs? | paragraph | #f, integer greater than zero | 8 | Standard |
field-align | line-field | start, end, center | start | Default |
field-width | line-field | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
filling-direction | scroll | top-to-bottom, left-to-right, right-to-left | top-to-bottom | Default |
first-line-align | paragraph | #f, char object | #f | Ignore |
first-line-start-indent | paragraph | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
float-out-line-numbers? | table-cell | #f, #t | #f | Default |
float-out-marginalia? | table-cell | #f, #t | #f | Default |
float-out-sidelines? | table-cell | #f, #t | #f | Default |
font-family-name | character paragraph | #f, string | iso-serif | Standard |
font-name | character paragraph | #f, public identifier | #f | Standard |
font-posture | character paragraph | #f, not-applicable*, upright, oblique, back-slanted-oblique*, italic, back-slanted-italic* | upright | Partial |
font-proportionate-width | character paragraph | #f, not-applicable*, ultra-condensed*, extra-condensed*, condensed, semi-condensed*, medium, semi-expanded*, expanded, extra-expanded*, ultra-expanded* | medium | Partial |
font-size | character paragraph | length | 10pt | Standard |
font-structure | character paragraph | #f, not-applicable, solid, outline | solid | Default |
font-weight | character paragraph | #f, not-applicable*, ultra-light*, extra-light*, light, semi-light*, medium, semi-bold*, bold, extra-bold*, ultra-bold* | medium | Partial |
footer-margin | simple-page-sequence | length | 0pt | Standard |
glyph-alignment-mode | paragraph | base, center, top, bottom, font | font | Default |
glyph-reorder-method | character | #f, public identifier, list of public identifiers | #f | Default |
glyph-subst-method | character | #f, public identifier, list of public identifiers | #f | Default |
glyph-subst-table | character | #f, glyph-subst-table, list of glyph-subst-table | #f | Default |
hanging-punct? | paragraph | #f, #t | #f | Default |
header-margin | simple-page-sequence | length | 0pt | Standard |
hyphenate? | character | #f, #t | #f | Default |
hyphenation-char | paragraph | character | #\- (the hyphen character) | Ignore |
hyphenation-exceptions | paragraph | list of strings | the empty list | Default |
hyphenation-keep | paragraph | #f, spread, page, column | #f | Default |
hyphenation-ladder-count | paragraph | #f, integer greater than zero | #f | Default |
hyphenation-method | character paragraph | #f, public identifier | #f | Default |
hyphenation-push-char-count | paragraph | positive integer | 2 | Ignore |
hyphenation-remain-char-count | paragraph | positive integer | 2 | Ignore |
ignore-record-end? | paragraph | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
implicit-bidi-method | paragraph | #f, public identifier | Default | |
inhibit-line-breaks? | box character external-graphic leader line-field rule score | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
inline-space-space | character | inline-space | Ignore | |
input-whitespace-treatment | character | preserve, collapse, ignore | preserve | Standard |
justify-glyph-space-max-add | paragraph | length-spec | 0pt | Ignore |
justify-glyph-space-max-remove | paragraph | length-spec | 0pt | Ignore |
kern-mode | character | loose, normal, kern, tight, touch | normal | Default |
kern? | character | #f, #t | #f | Default |
language | character paragraph | #f, ISO 639 language code | #f | Standard |
last-line-end-indent | paragraph | length-spec | 0pt | Default |
last-line-justify-limit | paragraph | length-spec | 0 | Ignore |
last-line-quadding | paragraph | relative, start, end, spread-inside, spread-outside, page-inside, page-outside, center, justify | relative | Default |
layer | box character external-graphic rule score sideline table-border | integer | 0 | Default |
left-margin | simple-page-sequence | length | 0pt | Standard |
ligature? | character | #f, #t | #f | Default |
line-breaking-method | paragraph | #f, public identifier | #f | Default |
line-cap | box rule score sideline table-border table-cell | butt, round, square | butt | Default |
line-composition-method | paragraph | #f, public identifier | #f | Default |
line-dash | box rule score sideline table-border table-cell | list of lengths | list containing the length 0pt | Default |
line-join | box table-border | miter, round, bevel | miter | Default |
line-miter-limit | box table-border | number | 10 | Default |
line-number-sep | paragraph | length-spec | Ignore | |
line-number-side | paragraph | start, end, spread-inside, spread-outside, page-inside, page-outside | Ignore | |
line-number | paragraph | #f, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Ignore |
line-repeat | box rule score sideline table-border table-cell | integer | 1 | Default |
line-sep | box rule score sideline table-border table-cell | length | 1pt | Ignore |
line-spacing-priority | paragraph | force, integer | 0 | Default |
line-spacing | paragraph | length-spec | 12pt | Standard |
line-thickness | box rule score sideline table-border table-cell | length | 1pt | Standard |
lines | paragraph | wrap, asis, asis-wrap*, asis-truncate*, none | wrap | Partial |
marginalia-keep-with-previous? | marginalia | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
marginalia-sep | marginalia | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
marginalia-side | marginalia | start, end | start | Standard |
min-leader-repeat | leader | integer greater than 0 | 1 | Standard |
min-leading | paragraph | #f, length-spec | #f | Standard |
min-post-line-spacing | paragraph | #f, length-spec | #f | Default |
min-pre-line-spacing | paragraph | #f, length-spec | #f | Default |
numbered-lines? | paragraph | #f, #t | #t | Ignore |
orphan-count | paragraph | positive integer | 2 | Default |
page-height | simple-page-sequence | length | system-dependent | Standard |
page-width | simple-page-sequence | length | system-dependent | Standard |
position-point-shift | character rule | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
principal-mode-simultaneous? | multi-mode | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
quadding | paragraph | start, end, spread-inside*, spread-outside*, page-inside*, page-outside*, center, justify* | start | Partial |
right-margin | simple-page-sequence | length | 0pt | Standard |
score-spaces? | score | #f, #t | #t | Standard |
sideline-sep | sideline | length-spec | Standard | |
sideline-side | sideline | start, end, both, spread-inside*, spread-outside*, page-inside*, page-outside* | Partial | |
span-weak? | box external-graphic paragraph rule table | #f, #t | #f | Default |
span | box external-graphic paragraph rule table | integer greater than zero | 1 | Default |
start-indent | aligned-column box external-graphic paragraph rule table table-column | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
start-margin | scroll | length-spec | 0pt | Standard |
table-auto-width-method | table | #f, public identifier | #f | Standard |
table-border | table | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | #f | Standard |
table-corner-radius | table | length-spec | 3pt | Ignore |
table-corner-rounded | table | #f, #t, list of x-y pairs | #f | Default |
table-part-omit-middle-footer? | table-part | #f, #t | #f | Default |
table-part-omit-middle-header? | table-part | #f, #t | #f | Default |
top-margin | simple-page-sequence | length | 0pt | Standard |
truncate-leader? | leader | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
widow-count | paragraph | positive integer | 2 | Default |
writing-mode | aligned-column box character external-graphic line-field paragraph rule scroll simple-page-sequence table | left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom | left-to-right | Default |
Characteristic | Flow object classes | Standard Values | Standard Default | Dsssl-o |
after-column-border | table | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | value of the table-border characteristic | Standard |
after-row-border | table | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | value of the table-border characteristic | Standard |
before-column-border | table | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | value of the table-border characteristic | Standard |
before-row-border | table | #f, #t, unlabeled sosofo | value of the table-border characteristic | Standard |
break-after-priority | box external-graphic leader line-field rule | integer | 0 | Ignore |
break-after-priority | character | integer | the value of the break-after-priority character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
break-after | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table table-part | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
break-before-priority | box external-graphic leader line-field rule | integer | 0 | Ignore |
break-before-priority | character | integer | the value of the break-before-priority character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
break-before | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table table-part | #f, page, page-region*, column*, column-set* | #f | Partial |
center-footer | simple-page-sequence | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
center-header | simple-page-sequence | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
char | character | character | value of the current node's char property, if there is one, else the value of applying the char-map characteristic, if there is one | Standard |
coalesce-id | display-group | #f, string | #f | Ignore |
column-number | table-cell | integer greater than zero | current column number | Standard |
column-number | table-column | integer greater than zero | 1 plus the column-number of the previous table column flow object, if any, else 1 | Standard |
destination | link | #f, address, list of addresses | shall be specified | Standard |
display? | box external-graphic | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
drop-after-line-break? | character | #f, #t | the value of the drop-after-line-break? character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
drop-unless-before-line-break? | character | #f, #t | the value of the drop-unless-before-line-break? character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
ends-row? | table-cell | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
entity-system-id | external-graphic | #f, system identifier | shall be specified | Standard |
escapement-direction | external-graphic | top-to-bottom, left-to-right, right-to-left | the value of writing-mode | Default |
glyph-id | character | #f, glyph-id | glyph-id of the nominal glyph specified using the standard-chars architectural form, else #f | Standard |
input-tab? | character | #f, #t | the value of the input-tab? character property of the char: characteristic if the char: characteristic was not explicitly specified, and otherwise #f | Standard |
input-whitespace? | character | #f, #t | the value of the input-white-space? character property of the char: characteristic if the char: characteristic was not explicitly specified, and otherwise #f | Default |
keep-with-next? | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table table-part | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep-with-previous? | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table table-part | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
keep | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table table-part | #f, page, column-set*, column*, #t* | #f | Partial |
left-footer | simple-page-sequence | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
left-header | simple-page-sequence | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
length | leader rule | length-spec | determined by context | Standard |
math-class | character | ordinary, operator, binary, relation, opening, closing, punctuation, inner, space | the value of the math-class character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
math-font-posture | character | #f, not-applicable*, upright, oblique, back-slanted-oblique*, italic, back-slanted-italic* | the value of the math-font-posture character property of the char: characteristic | Partial |
max-height | external-graphic | length-spec | Standard | |
max-width | external-graphic | length-spec | Standard | |
may-violate-keep-after? | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table table-part | #f, #t | #f | Default |
may-violate-keep-before? | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table table-part | #f, #t | #f | Default |
multi-modes | multi-mode | list | must be specified | Standard |
n-columns-spanned | table-cell table-column | integer greater than zero | 1 | Standard |
n-rows-spanned | table-cell | integer greater than zero | 1 | Standard |
notation-system-id | external-graphic | system identifier | shall be specified | Standard |
orientation | rule | horizontal, vertical, escapement, line-progression | shall be specified | Standard |
position-point-x | external-graphic | length-spec | 0 if writing-mode is left-to-right or right-to-left | Standard |
position-point-y | external-graphic | length-spec | 0 if writing-mode is top-to-bottom | Standard |
position-preference | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table | #f, top, bottom | #f | Ignore |
punct? | character | #f, #t | the value of the punct? character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
record-end? | character | #f, #t | the value of the record-end? character property of the char: characteristic | Standard |
right-footer | simple-page-sequence | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
right-header | simple-page-sequence | unlabeled sosofo | empty sosofo | Standard |
scale | external-graphic | number, list of two numbers, max, max-uniform | max-uniform | Standard |
script | character | #f, formal public identifier | the value of the script character property of the char: characteristic | Ignore |
space-after | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table table-part | display space | no space after | Standard |
space-before | aligned-column box display-group external-graphic paragraph rule table table-part | display space | no space before | Standard |
space? | character | #f, #t | the value of the space? character property of the char: characteristic | Standard |
starts-row? | table-cell | #f, #t | #f | Standard |
stretch-factor | character | number | 1 | Default |
table-width | table | #f, length-spec | display-size less applicable indent | Standard |
type | score | before, through, after, length-spec, character | shall be specified | Standard |
width | table-column | length-spec | shall be specified unless table-auto-width feature is present | Standard |
[120] expression = primitive-expression | derived-expression
[121] primitive-expression = variable-reference | literal | procedure-call | conditional
[122] variable-reference = variable
[123] variable = identifier
[124] literal = quotation | self-evaluating
[125] quotation = "'"
| "("
[126] datum = simple-datum | list
[127] simple-datum = boolean | number | character | string | symbol | keyword | glyph-identifier
[128] list = "("
| "'"
[129] self-evaluating = boolean | number | character | string | keyword | glyph-identifier
[130] procedure-call = "("
operator operand*")"
[131] operator = expression
[132] operand = expression
[133] conditional = "("
[134] test = expression
[135] consequent = expression
[136] alternate = expression
[137] derived-expression = cond-expression | case-expression | and-expression | or-expression
[138] cond-expression = "("
| "("
[139] cond-clause = "("
test expression")"
[140] case-expression = "("
| "("
[141] key = expression
[142] case-clause = "("
[143] and-expression = "("
[144] or-expression = "("
[145] definition = "("
variable expression")"
(not obj
(boolean? obj
(equal? obj1
(null? obj
(list? obj
(list obj
(length list
(append list
(reverse list
(list-tail list
(list-ref list
(member obj
(symbol? obj
(keyword? obj
(quantity? obj
(number? obj
(real? obj
(integer? obj
(= q1
(< q1
(> q1
(<= q1
(>= q1
(max q1
(min q1
(+ q1
(* q1
(- q1
(- q
(/ q1
(/ q
(abs q
(quotient n1
(remainder n1
(modulo n1
(floor x
(ceiling x
(truncate x
(round x
(number->string number
(number->string number
(string->number string
(string->number string
(char? obj
(char=? char1
(char-property symbol
(char-property symbol
(string? obj
(string char
(string-length string
(string-ref string
(string=? string1
(substring string
(string-append string
(procedure? obj
(apply proc
(external-procedure string
(time->string k
(time->string k
(error string
In addition to the Core Expression Language, DSSSL Online is now considered to include lambda, #!key, and let (including letrec, let*, and named let). See the full DSSSL standard for details.
The core query language is a subset of SDQL, the Standard Document Query Language. In addition to the procedures defined in the core query language subclause, the current-node, node-list-empty?, node-list?, parent, and node-list-error procedures are allowed in the subset. This subset is designed so that a node-list never contains more than one node, and so that any node that it does contain is always of type element.
In the following procedures, the argument that is of type node-list
can be omitted, and defaults to (current-node)
(optional singleton node-list) denotes an
argument that must be a node-list containing zero or one nodes.
(ancestor string
Returns a node-list containing the nearest ancestor of
with gi equal to string
or an empty node-list if there is no such ancestor or if
is empty.
(gi osnl
Returns the value of the gi
property of the node
contained in osnl
or #f if
is empty or if osnl
no gi
property or a null gi
(id osnl
Returns the value of the id
property of the node
contained in osnl
or #f if
is empty or if osnl
no id
property or a null id
(element string
Returns a singleton node-list returning the element in the same
grove as snl
whose unique identifier is
, if there is such an element, and otherwise
returns the empty node-list. This procedures requires the
(child-number snl
Returns the child number of snl
. The child
number of an element is the number of element siblings of the
current element that are before or equal in tree order to the current
element and that have the same generic identifier as the current
(ancestor-child-number string
Returns the child number of the nearest ancestor of
whose generic identifier is
, or #f if there is no such ancestor.
(hierarchical-number list
Returns a list of non-negative integers with the same number of
members as list
. list
be a list of strings. The last member is the child number of the
nearest ancestor of snl
whose generic identifier
is equal to the last member of list
; the next to
last member is the child number of the nearest ancestor of that
element whose generic identifier is equal to the next to last member;
and so on for each member of list
(hierarchical-number-recursive string
Returns a list of non-negative integers. The last member of list is
the child number of the nearest ancestor of snl
element whose generic identifier is equal to
, the next to last member is the child
number of the nearest ancestor of that element whose generic
identifier is equal to string
, and so on for each
ancestor of the current element with generic identifier equal to
. Note that the length of this list is the
nesting level of string
(element-number snl
Returns the number of elements before or equal to
with the same gi as snl
(element-number-list list
Returns a list of non-negative integers, one for each member of
, which shall be a list of strings, where the
-th integer is the number of elements that:
-th member of
, andi
is greater
than 1, are after the last element before snl
whose generic identifier is equal to the i - 1
-th member
of list
.NOTE: In effect the counter for each argument is reset at the start of the element referred to by the previous argument.
NOTE: An element is considered to be after its parent.
NOTE: This procedure could be used to number footnotes sequentially within a chapter (by using the last number in the list). It could also be used to number headings in a DTD which lacks container elements.
In the following procedures attribute values are represented as
strings by applying the data
procedure to the
(attribute-string string
Returns a string representation of the attribute with name equal to
of osnl
, or #f if
has no such attribute or the attribute is
implied or osnl
is empty.
(inherited-attribute-string string
Returns a string representation of the attribute with name equal to
of osnl
or of the
nearest ancestor of osnl
for which this attribute
is present and not implied, or #f if there is no such element or
is empty.
(inherited-element-attribute-string string1
Returns a string representation of the attribute with name equal to
of the nearest ancestor of
whose generic identifier is equal to
and for which this attribute is
present and not implied, or #f if there is no such element or
is empty.
(first-sibling? snl
Returns #t if snl
has no preceding sibling that
is an element with the same generic identifier as itself, and
otherwise returns #f.
(absolute-first-sibling? snl
Returns #t if snl
has no preceding sibling that
is an element, and otherwise returns #f.
(last-sibling? snl
Returns #t if snl
has no following sibling that
is an element with the same generic identifier as itself, and
otherwise returns #f.
(absolute-last-sibling? snl
Returns #t if snl
has no following sibling that
is an element, and otherwise returns #f.
(have-ancestor? obj
shall be either a string or a list of
strings. If obj
is a string, then
returns #t if snl
an ancestor with a generic identifier that matches that string, and
otherwise returns #f. If obj
is a list of
strings, then have-ancestor?
returns #t if
has an ancestor with generic identifier equal
to the last member of obj
, which itself has an
ancestor with generic identifier equal to the next to last member of
, and so on for each member, and otherwise
returns #f.
here determines the document in which to
find the entity.
(entity-public-id string
Returns the value of the public-id property of the value of the
external-id property of the general entity whose name is
in the governing document type of the same
grove as snl
, or #f if there is no such entity or
the entity has a null value for the external-id property, or the
external-id has a null value for the public-id property.
(entity-system-id string
Returns the value of the system-id property of the value of the
external-id property of the general entity whose name is
in the governing document type of the same
grove as snl
, or #f if there is no such entity or
the entity has a null value for the external-id property, or the
external-id has a null value for the system-id property.
(entity-generated-system-id string
Returns the value of the generated-system-id property of the value
of the external-id property of the general entity whose name is
in the governing document type of the same
grove as snl
, or #f if there is no such entity or
the entity has a null value for the external-id property, or the
external-id has a null value for the generated-system-id property.
(entity-text string
Returns the value of the text property of the general entity whose
name is string
in the governing document type of
the same grove as snl
, or #f if there is no such
entity or the entity has a null value for the text property.
(entity-notation string
Returns the value of the notation-name property of the general
entity whose name is string
in the governing
document type of the same grove as snl
, or #f if
there is no such entity or the entity has a null value for the
notation-name property.
(entity-attribute-string string1
Returns a string representation of the value of the attribute named
of the general entity whose
name is string1
in the governing
document type of the same grove as snl
, or #f if
there is no such entity or the entity has no such attribute or the
attribute is implied.
(entity-type string
Returns the value of the entity-type property of the general entity
whose name is string
in the governing document
type of the same grove as snl
, or #f if there is
no such entity or the entity has a null value for the entity-type
(notation-public-id string
Returns the value of the public-id property of the value of the
external-id property of the general notation whose name is
in the governing document type of the same
grove as snl
, or #f if there is no such notation
or the external-id has a null value for the public-id property.
(notation-system-id string
Returns the value of the system-id property of the value of the
external-id property of the general notation whose name is
in the governing document type of the same
grove as snl
, or #f if there is no such notation
or the external-id has a null value for the system-id property.
(notation-generated-system-id string
Returns the value of the generated-system-id property of the value
of the external-id property of the general notation whose name is
in the governing document type of the same
grove as snl
, or #f if there is no such notation
or the external-id has a null value for the generated-system-id
(general-name-normalize string
Returns string
transformed using the general
namecase substitution string normalization rule of the grove in which
occurs. This could be defined as follows:
(define (general-name-normalize string snl)
(named-node-list-normalize string
(node-property 'elements (grove-root snl))))
(entity-name-normalize string
Returns string
transformed using the entity
namecase substitution string normalization rule of the grove in which
occurs. This could be defined as follows:
(define (entity-name-normalize string snl)
(named-node-list-normalize string
(node-property 'entities (grove-root snl))))
Compilation by Jon Bosak, Sun Microsystems