(Part of the Reasonable Drivers Unanimous site)
Full Text
Final Report
(Abstract and Finding)
The objectives of this research was to determine the effects of
raising and lowering posted speed limits on driver behavior and
accidents for non-limited access rural and urban highways. Speed
and accident data were collected in 22 States at 100 sites before
and after speed limits were altered. Before and after data were
also collected simultaneously at comparison sites where speed
limits were not changed to control for the time trends. Repeated
measurements were made at 14 sites to examine short - and long-term
effects of speed limit changes.
The results of the study indicated that lowering posted speed
limits by as much as 20 mi/h (32 km/h), or raising speed limits
by as much as 15 mi/h (24 km/h) had little effect on motorist'
speed. The majority of motorist did not drive 5 mi/h (8 km/h)
above the posted speed limits when speed limits were raised, nor
did they reduce their speed by 5 or 10 mi/h (8 or 16 km/h) when
speed limits are lowered. Data collected at the study sites indicated
that the majority of speed limits are posed below the average
speed of traffic. Lowering speed limits below the 50th percentile
does not reduce accidents, but does significantly increase driver
violations of the speed limit. Conversely, raising the posted
speed limits did not increase speeds or accidents.
A maximum speed limit is posted or set by statute on a highway to inform
motorists of the highest speed considered to be safe and reasonable under
favorable road, traffic, and weather conditions.
A review of early vehicles speed legislation in the United States
suggests that regulations were established to improve public safety. The
rational for government regulation of speed is based on the fact that
unreasonable speed may cause damage and injury. Speed laws also provide a
basis for punishing the unreasonable behavior of an individual driver.
Every State has a basic speed statute requiring drivers to operate their
vehicles at a speed that is reasonable and prudent under existing conditions.
This law recognizes that the maximum safe speed varies due to
traffic, roadway, weather, light and other conditions, and places the
responsibility of selecting a safe and reasonable speed on the driver.
The majority of motorists select a speed to reach their destination in
the shortest time possible and to avoid endangering themselves, others, and
their property. In selecting their speed, motorist consider roadway,
traffic, weather, and other conditions. The collective judgment of the
majority of motorists represents the level of reasonable travel and acceptable
risk. Prior research has shown that the upper region of acceptable risk is in
the vicinity of the 85th percentile speed.
Most traffic engineers believe that speed limits should be posted to
reflect the maximum speed considered to be safe and reasonable by the majority
of drivers using the roadway under favorable conditions. Procedures used
to set speed limits have evolved through years of experience and research.
Most States and localities set safe and reasonable maximum speed limits based
on the results of an engineering and traffic investigation. While all States
and most jurisdictions use the 85th percentile speed as a major factor n
selecting the appropriate speed limit for a given street or highway, other
factors such as roadside development, accident experience, and design speed
are often subjectively considered.
The lack of consensus on how to establish safe and reasonable speed
limits has led to nonuniform limits. While newspapers and scientific articles
dating to the early 1900's discuss the problem and need for uniform limits,
engineers such as Bearwald, in 1964, criticized traffic engineers for using
nonuniform limits in both rural and urban areas and called for the establishment
of speed zones of a factual and scientific basis as opposed to opinion
and political expediency. Bearwald's suggestion apparently received little
attention. For example, Harkey recently examined speed limits in rural and
urban areas in four States and found that speed limits were set from 6 to
14 mi/h (10 to 23 km.h) below the 85th percentile speed.
One primary reason for setting speed limits lower than speed considered
safe and reasonable by the majority of motorists is based on the belief
that lower speed limits reduced seeds and accidents. Also it has been
frequently suggested that most motorists drive 5 to 10 mi/h (8 to 16 km/h)
over the posted speed limit, so lower limits should be established to account
for this condition.
Conversely, it is believed that raising the speed limit increases speeds
and accidents. For example, following a severe accident, one of the most
frequent requests made to highway jurisdictions is to lower the speed limit.
These requests are founded on public knowledge that accident severity increases
with increasing vehicle speed because in a collision, the amount of kinetic
energy dissipated is proportional to the square of the velocity. Simply
stated, when a vehicle is involved in a crash the higher the vehicle speed,
the greater the chance of being seriously injured or killed. However, as
noted by a number of researchers, the potential for being involved in an
accident is highest when traveling at speed much lower or much higher than
the majority of motorists.
Arbitrary, unrealistic and nonuniform speed limits have created a
socially acceptable disregard for speed limits. Unrealistic limits increase
accident risks for persons who attempt to comply with limit by driving
slower or faster than the majority of road users, Unreasonably low limits
significantly decrease driver compliance and give road users such as person
not familiar with the road and pedestrians, a false indication of actual
traffic speeds.
Unrealistically high speed limits increase accident risk for drivers who
are inexperienced or who disregard the basic speed law. Unrealistic limits
also place enforcement officials and judges in the position of subjectively
selecting and punishing violators. This practice can result in punishing
average drivers, as well as high-risk violators.
For years, traffic engineering texts have supported the conclusion that
motorists ignore unreasonable speed limits. Both formal research and
informal operational observations conducted for many years indicate that there
is very little change in the mean or 85th percentile speed as the result
of raising or lowering the posted limit. Very few accident studies have been
conducted to determine the safety effects or altering posted speed limits.
Highway administrators, enforcement officials, the judiciary system, and
the public need factual information concerning the effects of speed limits to
address pertinent issues. For example, do lower posted speed limits reduce
vehicle speeds and accidents? If the speed limit is raised, will speeds and
accidents increase? Do most motorists driver 5 to 10 mi/h (8 to 16 km/h) above
the posted speed limit. What are the effects or lowering and raising speed
limits on driver compliance? Answers to these questions and related issues
are addressed in this report.
The primary conclusion of this research is that the majority of
motorist on the nonlimited access rural and urban highways examined
in this study did not decrease or increase their speed as a result
of either lowering or raising the posted speed limit by 4, 10,
or 15 mi/h (8, 16, or 24 km/h). In other words, this nationwide
study confirms the results of numerous other observational studies
which found that the majority or motorist do not alter their speed
to conform to speed limits they perceive as unreasonable for prevailing
The data clearly show that lowering posted speed limits did not
reduce vehicle speeds or accidents. Also, lowering speed limits
well below the 86th percentile speed did not increase speeds and
accidents. Conversely, raising the posted speed limits did not
increase speeds and accidents. The majority of motorist did not
drive 5 to 10 mi/h (8 to 16 km/h) above the posted speed limit
when speed limits were raised, nor did they reduce their speed
by 5 or 10 mi/h (8 to 16 km/h) when speed limits were lowered.
Because there were few changes in the speed distribution, it is
not surprising that the overall effects of speed limit changes
on accidents were minor. It is interesting to note that compliance
decreased when speed limits were lowered and accidents tended
to increase. Conversely, when compliance improved after speed
limits are raised, accidents tended to decrease.
Based on the sites examined in 22 States, it is apparent that
the majority of highway agencies set speed limits below the average
speed of traffic as opposed to setting limits in the upper region
of the minimum accident risk band or about 85th percentile speed.
This practice means that more than one-half of the motorist are
in technical violation of the speed limits laws.
Although there are variations from State to State, on average,
speed limits were posed 5 and 16 mi/h (8 and 26 km/h) below the
85th percentile speed. As all States use the 85th percentile as
a major criterion for establishing safe and reasonable speed limits,
it is surprising that the new speed limits posted on the experimental
sections examined in this study deviated so far from the 85th
percentile speed. There are several plausible reasons. Once commonly
cited reason for posting unreasonably low speed limits is public
and political pressure. While individuals and politicians clearly
influence some speed limit decision, there are other factors involved.
Although the 85th percentile speed is used as the major guideline
in setting speed limits, other factors such as land use, pedestrian
activity, accident history, etc., are often subjectively considered
in the decision making process. Together, these factors can account
for sped limits that are set 10 mi/h (16 km/h) below the 85th
percentile speed. In addition, the 85th percentile speed is often
estimated based on a minimum of 200 vehicles or 2 h sample. This
process does not take into account the wide hourly fluctuations
in the 85th percentile speed over a 24-h period. Furthermore,
the vehicle selection process use of radar which is detected by
motorist contribute to a bias sample, i.e., usually lower then
the average 24-h 85th percentile speed.
Although the study sites could not be randomly selected, they
represent a wide range of rural and urban conditions, traffic
volume, and regional situations. As large changes in the posted
speed limit did not create a meaningful increase or decrease in
the motorists' speeds at the study sites, it is plausible that
this effect would also be found on other nonlimited rural and
urban access highways.
The data collected during this study indicate that there are no
benefits, either from a safety or operational point of view, from
establishing speed limits less than the 85th percentile speed.
This does not mean that all speed limits should be raised. Traffic
and engineer investigations should be conducted to obtain an accurate
measure of the speed distribution. Greater emphasis should be
placed on using the 85th percentile speed in setting safe and
reasonable speed limits. These studies should be repeated as
land use and traffic characteristics change.
The information provided in this report will be useful to highway
agencies, enforcement officials, and other involved in establishing
uniform safe and reasonable speed limits on the nation's highways.
The graphics, such as figure 10 on p.15 [above], can
be used to illustrate the effects of speed limit changes on vehicle
speeds. As shown below, figure 41 (which shows the changes in
accidents, as well as the 95th percentile confidence limits of
the changes) can be used to illustrate the effects of lowering
and raising speed limits in accidents. This figure should only
be used by persons who have read the accident analysis section
in this report and have a basic understanding of the analysis
Sponsoring Agency Name and Address:
Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR):
Howard H. Bissell, HSR-30 and Davey L. Warren, HSR-10.
Report No. FHWA-RD-92-084 October 1992
U.S. Department of Transportation Research, Development, and Technology
Federal Highway Administration Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, Virginia 22101-2296
This study was conducted to examine driver behavior and accident effects
of raising and lowering posted speed limits on nonlimited access rural and
urban highways. While much research in recent years has focused on the
effects of the 55 and 65 mi/h (89 and 105 km/h) speed limits on limited access
facilities, the major emphasis of this research is on streets and highways
that were posted between 20 and 55 mi/h (32 and 89 km/h)
Summary of Findings
The pertinent findings of this study, conducted to examine the
effects of lowing and raising posted speed limits on nonlimited
access rural and urban highways, are listed below:
Performing Organization Name and Address:
Martin R. Parker & Associates, Inc.
38549 Laurenwood Drive
Wayne, Michigan 48184-1073
Office of Safety and Traffic Operations R&D
Federal Highway Administration
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, Virginia 22101-2296
Contract or Grant Number: DTFH61-85-C-00136.
Type of report and dates covered: Final, October 1985 - June 1992
The entire report is 84 pages long. You can try calling the National
Technical Information Service (general info 703-487-4770, sales
703-487-4650) and asking for this report. Even with the report number
they won't be able to find it. It's being buried since it says things
that certain organizations (both governmental and private) don't want
to be made public. However, NMA is selling this report for $15 plus
$4 shipping and handaling. They can be contacted at 608/849-6000;
; or 6678 Pertzborn Road, Dane, Wisconsin 53529.
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