2004 News Librarianship Seminar Application
SLA News Division / Poynter.

When: February 29, 2004 - March 3, 2004
Where: Poynter Institute for Media Studies, St. Petersburg, Florida
What: Mission Critical: Reshaping news librarianship for the 21st Century
In this seminar, participants will focus on leadership issues relevant to their role and the role of the news research team in the newsroom. You'll discuss integrating the news research team into the daily workflow of the newsroom, providing services that are truly mission critical, and abandoning those which have outlived their usefulness. You will focus on developing a vision for news research and consider how well your team can carry out this vision. You will get tips and learn best practices ideas to help you increase your relevance. Participants will bring a management challenge to the group and develop an action plan to resolve it. You'll consider your personal leadership style and learn effective strategies for working more effectively with bosses and fellow department heads. Workshop lead teachers are Kathy Foley, San Antonio Express-News, Teresa Leonard, News & Observer, Paul Pohlman, The Poynter Institute, Laura Soto-Barra, Post Standard and Debbie Wolfe, St. Petersburg Times.

Please type or print legibly and do not leave any items blank.

Select where you prefer to receive your mail __ business address __ home address


Full Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Name for Badge _____________________________________________________________________
Position/Title ___________________________________________________________________________________
News Organization ____________________________________________________________________________
(Give full name of newspaper, station call letters, website, college or university, etc.)

Business Address _____________________________________________________
______________________________________ City _______________________
State ____________ ZIP ____________ Country _________________________
(______) _________________ (______) ________________ ______________________
Work Phone Work Fax E-mail

Circulation/Market Size _____________ Website URL __________________________

Home Address _______________________________________________________
______________________________________ City _______________________
State ____________ ZIP ____________ Country ___________________________
(______) ______________ (______) _______________ ______________________
Home Phone Home Fax E-mail

Poynter Institute seminars you attended in the past. (Please list)

Nominating Editor or Manager __________________________________________

Title ______________________ Phone (________) _____________ E-Mail _______________________

How many years have you been a journalist?
____ 1-5 ____ 6-10 ____ 11-20 ____ More than 20

Use this checklist to assure that you are submitting a complete application. We cannot consider an application to be complete unless all materials are received by the seminar application deadline, December 15, 2003.

__ Application form
__ Current resume
__ Brief, up-to-date professional biography to be used in the seminar syllabus
__ Letter of recommendation from your nominating manager or supervisor
__ A statement or essay of 250-500 words describing your daily duties, the relevance of the seminar to your job, your goals for the seminar, and how this seminar will benefit you as a leader back in the newsroom.

Send application materials via email or snail mail to:

Teresa Leonard News & Observer Publishing Co.
News Research Department
215 S. McDowell Street
Raleigh, NC 27602

Costs: Tuition -- News Division members -- free
Non-News Division -- $125 (includes SLA annual membership)

Participants will also have to cover cost of transportation, room and board. Estimated hotel cost is $80/night.

Several meals will be covered with the generous assistance of the Poynter Institute, Heritage Microfilm and Newsbank.

(This application is also available in Word.)

SLA News Division Home

Last Update: 10/11/03
Jessica Baumgart