Tracking Down Public Records

2003 Special Libraries Association Annual Conference
News Division Continuing Education Course

Sunday, June 8, 2003

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Table of Contents

Tracking Down Public Records

A Primer on Freedom of Information

What are these FOIA laws?

Why have them?

What can you get?

What can you get?

What can you get?

What can you get?

Is nothing sacred?

Federal law exemptions

Federal law exemptions

Who has access?

Records from whom?



When can you get records?

Common Problems

Archive of all records auditsat Univ. of Missouri

Practical Tips and Strategies

1. Take a positive approach

2. Do your homework on the law

Screenshot of the Tapping Officials' Secrets Web site

Outline of a state's public records law

Outline of a state's public records law

"911 tapes" circled

"911 tapes"

2. Do your homework on the law

Screenshot of the National Freedom of Information Coalition Web site

Circled Resources link

Resource Links

Resource Links

FOI Resources in Ohio

2. Know the law

Screenshot of the Citizen Access Project Web site

RE: Security and Safety Plans/Procedures

RE: Security and Safety Plans/Procedures

Screenshot of the Department of Justice's FOIA page

Federal E-FOIA (1996)

Picture of the Alphabetical Listing of Justice Department Major Information Systems

Picture of Major Information Systems of the Justice Department Arranged on a Component-by-Component Basis

1. Keep positive approach

3. Write a simple letter

Screenshot of Principal FOIA Contacts at Federal Agencies

3. Tips on letter writing

Letter generators

Screenshot of the SPLC's State Open Records Law Request Letter Generator

Image of a FOI letter generator

A picture of RCFP's FOI Letter Generator

4. Be persistent

5. Try other routes

Bonus: state ombudsperson if you're working in:

6. Other techniques media can use

Susan Long, TRAC:

Top Resources

Blank Slide

Hot Issues in States

TV News Directors: Since 9/11 which best characterizes news gathering related to gov't and security issues?


Image of the RCFP's Homefront Confidential chart



When fed agency should deny:

Author: Barbara Fought

Home Page:

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