Teresa Leonard
The News and Observer
June 8, 2004

Training Lessons Learned

Special Libraries Association 2004 Annual Conference
Taking Stock of CAR in Your Library
Tuesday, June 8, 2004, 2:00-3:15 pm
Download the Word version.

Give it time

Consistently, our reporters say the most important benefit of the fellowship is the luxury of time to learn.

Excel excels

As software has improved and we have learned more, Excel is meeting our needs better. Easier to learn, more accessible, easier to query.

It's all CAR

We don't even count them anymore. Reporters are familiar with databases; they can hit the ground running with a project.

Meet them where they are

They can do their own database work start to finish, they can do it alongside a researcher getting help where needed, or they can ask us to do it for them.

Seize the moment

Be flexible

Look for opportunities to make it work, even around the legislature, basketball season, and maternity leave.


Stickers, mouse pads, testimonials