Beyond Borders: News Research in Canada

Special Libraries Association 2004 Annual Conference
News Research Without Borders
Monday, June 7, 2004

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Table of Contents

Beyond Borders: News Research in Canada


Canada 101: "Cool" Nation

Government and more government

Access to Information

Freedom of Information Requests

Federal Government Information you can easily get your hands on

More Federal Government info . . .

The Canadian News Industry -Broadcasters

Canadian News Industry -- Newspaper Chains

Newspaper Chains con't . . .

Independent News Sources

Due Diligence or "Looking for John Doe or Company X in Canada"

Author: Joan Sweeney Marsh
Toronto Star Newspaper

Home Page:

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A handout is also available in a Word (.doc) format or as HTML.

Joan Sweeney Marsh gave an overview of finding information about Canada and using Canadian sources by talking about information journalists have access to in America and comparing it with access to information in Canada. She gave the basics of finding certain information in Canada and made some suggestions for starting points. She also talked about Canadian news sources.