The Classic Paradigm - Two Types of LIS Programs

Charles R. Hildreth and Michael Koenig
Palmer School of Library and Information Science
Long Island University/C.W. Post Campus

1) INDEPENDENT Stand Alone Library Schools

What we traditionally aspired to - independent stand alone schools that educated only at the graduate level, with the dean or director reporting directly to the institution's chief academic officer, just like Medical Schools or Law Schools.

2) SUBORDINATED Programs within an umbrella School or College

The substitute standard - education only at the graduate level, with an LIS program as a functionally separate unit (no close ties to "sister" units) within a broad umbrella, such as liberal arts and sciences or social and behavioral sciences, covering not very closely related units, with the chief of the LIS program reporting to the dean of that umbrella School or College.

In common - the LIS program involves itself only with LIS.

LIS Education - The New Models

3) The INCORPORATED Programs

The LIS program has been incorporated, almost always as a junior partner, into a larger, somewhat subject integrated, unit, and in which it is one of a small number of components.

4) The EXPANDED Programs (The "I" Schools)

Programs built from an LIS base bit which have expanded to include other degrees, typically non ALA accredited, both undergraduate and graduate.

# 3, the Incorporated, is the new, but perhaps no better, version of # 2, the Subordinate, the substitute standard (easier partnering, but less independence)

# 4, the Expanded, is the new improved version of # 1, the Independent

In common - the LIS program is a piece of a larger machine.

      (The Archetype)       (The Substitute Standard)
Catholic U. Arizona
Dominican San Jose
Emporia State U. South Florida
Louisiana State U. U. of Iowa
U. of Maryland Wayne State U.
Simmons Queens College
Pratt St. John's
North Carolina Central U. of Oklahoma
North Carolina Chapel Hill Clarion U. of Pa.
U. of Rhode Island U. of Puerto Rico
U. of North Texas Wisconsin, Madison
(but with a Dean)
Wisconsin, Milwaukee
U. of British Columbia
U. of Toronto
U. de Montreal

      (The New Wave)       (The "I" Schools)
Alabama Florida State U.
UCLA U. of Michigan
U. of Denver Syracuse U.
Southern Conn. Drexel U.
Hawaii U. of Pittsburgh
Kentucky U. of Texas, Austin
U. of Southern Mississippi. U. of Washington
U. of Missouri
SUNY Albany
North Carolina GreensboroLong Island Univ.
Kent State U.SUNY Buffalo
U. of South Carolina U. of Illinois
U. of Tennessee Indiana U.
Texas Woman's U.
U. of Alberta
Dalhousie U.
U. of Western Ontario
McGill U.
[Including which school is the "senior" partner in incorporated programs]

      (The Archetype)       (The Substitute Standard)
Catholic U. Arizona
Dominican San Jose
U. Of Illinois South Florida
Indiana U. U. of Iowa
Emporia State U. Wayne State U.
Louisiana State U Queens College
U. of Maryland St. John's
Simmons U. of Oklahoma
Pratt Clarion U. of Pa.
North Carolina Central U. of Puerto Rico
North Carolina Chapel Hill Wisconsin, Madison
(but with a Dean)
U. of Rhode Island
U. of North Texas
Wisconsin, Milwaukee
U. of British Columbia
U. of Toronto
U. de Montreal
      (The New Wave) Senior Partner       (The "I" Schools)
Alabama Comm. Florida State U.
UCLA Educ. U. of Michigan
U. of Denver Educ. Syracuse U.
Southern Conn. Comm. Drexel U.
Hawaii Comp.Sci. U. of Pittsburgh
Kentucky Comm. U. of Texas, Austin
Southern Mississippi. Educ. U. of Washington
U. of Missouri Educ.
Rutgers Comm.
SUNY Albany Policy
SUNY Buffalo (Exp.) Comm.
Long Island U. (Exp.) - Comp. Sci.more INCORPORATED
N. Carolina Greensboro Educ.
Kent State U. Comm. U. of Alberta       Educ.
U. of South Carolina Comm. Dalhousie U.       Business
U. of Tennessee Comm. U. of Western Ontario       Media
Texas Woman's U. Educ. McGill U.       Educ.

(Note the minus sign after Long Island University, which connotes that Computer Science was the junior partner, and LIS the senior partner.)
* connotes attendance at Computing Research Association "IT Deans" meetings
      (The Archetype)       (The Substitute Standard)
Catholic U. Arizona
Dominican San Jose
Emporia State U. South Florida
Louisiana State U. U. of Iowa
U. of Maryland Wayne State U.
Simmons Queens College
Pratt St. John's
North Carolina Central U. of Oklahoma
North Carolina Chapel Hill Clarion U. of Pa.
U. of Rhode Island U. of Puerto Rico
U. of North Texas Wisconsin, Madison
(but with a Dean)
Wisconsin, Milwaukee
U. of British Columbia
U. of Toronto
U. de Montreal
      (The New Wave)       (The "I" Schools)
Alabama *Florida State U.
UCLA *U. of Michigan
U. of Denver *Syracuse U.
Southern Conn. *Drexel U.
*Hawaii *U. of Pittsburgh
Kentucky U. of Texas, Austin
U. of Southern Mississippi. *U. of Washington
U. of Missouri
Rutgers plus
*SUNY Albany
North Carolina Greensboro *Long Island Univ.
Kent State U. *SUNY Buffalo
U. of South Carolina *U. of Illinois
U. of Tennessee *Indiana U.
Texas Woman's U.
U. of Alberta
*Dalhousie U.
U. of Western Ontario
McGill U.