
About the News Division



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News Division Program

for the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference 2010

June 13 - 16, 2010 in New Orleans

As of June 8, 2010 | .doc version

Sunday, June 13

4:00 - 4:30 pm
News Division Executive Board Meeting

The first of two executive board meetings, as part of recommended practices of the News Division - one to be held before the annual business meeting to discuss the 2009 - 2010, 2010 - 2011 programming

5:00 - 7:00 pm
SLA Opening General Session & Awards Presentation
(With James Carville and Mary Matalin)

7:30 - 11:30 pm
News Division Silent Auction & Networking Reception

The News Division will hold its annual silent auction and networking reception; this popular event has Division members' donated items from their news organizations to raise funds for the News Division. Items generally include signed books by journalists, coffee table books, reference works framed photojournalism and editorial cartoons, children's items, golf umbrellas to all manner of clothing and the occasional timeshare weekend. This is also a great opportunity for first timers to meet other Division members and their conference 'mentor-mentee' matchups. Open to all.

Session Sponsor: MediaBistro

Location: News Division suite at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel

Monday, June 14

8:00 am - 9:30 am
Reality Check: Adapting to changes in media and dissemination

We are leaving behind the 19th and 20th century news model in which newspaper content, which traditionally have set the topics and tone of the news, then delivered by cable outlets or the evening broadcasts by an anchor - then delivered to commercial aggregators. Concerns about the closing of news outlets and the 'dumbing down' of news abound - but new models and formats are emerging. The explosion of information should be a welcome one - likewise the tools to manage them, but how? The implications for competitive intelligence, and an informed citizenry.

Angie Drobnic Holan, Reporter & Researcher, / St. Petersburg Times
Marcus Zillman, Executive Director, VirtualPrivateLibrary
Moderator: Catherine Kitchell, Senior Reference Librarian, Bureau of National Affairs
Co-sponsor: Competitive Intelligence Division

Session sponsor: Lexis/Nexis

10:00 am - 11:30 am
The All-Digital School Library: Managing Electronic Resources

Before the 2009 school year began, the library at Cushing Academy, a private Massachusetts school, traded paper for ink - going all-electronic. This announcement immediately spurred national attention and a robust debate on the future of books, libraries, and the nature of learning and how it is changing. The executive director will speak on this move and its many facets from selection, circulation and management of electronic resources in a library without a physical inventory.

Tom Corbett, Executive Director, Fisher-Watkins Library, Cushing Academy
Ron Larson, Librarian

2:00 - 3:30 pm
Rise of the Knowledge Librarian: A look at Knowledge Sharing Strategies & Roles

Art Murray, Applied Sciences Inc. & Chief Fellow, George Washington University Institute for Knowledge & Innovation, & Co-Founder, The Enterprise of the Future Program and Ken Wheaton, Web Services Librarian, Alaska State Court Law Library. Based on their KMWorld article, Feb 2009, "The future of the future: the rise of the knowledge librarian", Art Murray & Ken Wheaton look at knowledge sharing roles and opportunities.

Knowledge Management Division
Co-sponsor: News Division

2:00 - 3:30 pm
News Division Business Meeting

The News Division leadership will deliver its annual report for its members, and discuss plans for its future.

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Evolving Roles: Conversations in the Round

Moderator: Julie Domel, San Antonio Express-News
Speakers: Karen Huffman, Senior Applications & Database Administrator,
  Information Systems & Technology, National Geographic Society & Chair, SLA KM Division

Session sponsor Cindy Hill, founder, Hill Information Consulting Group
Co-sponsored with Knowledge Management Division

6:30 - 9:30 pm
News Division Annual Awards & Reception
St. Louis Hotel / French Quarter

Basch Subscriptions
Bernan, Leadership Directories

Tuesday, June 15

7:30 - 9:30 am
Introduction to Computer Programming for Information Professionals
Ticket #600; $85 for News Division and non-Division members

Innovation in the information industries requires awareness of, and increasingly, familiarity with, computer programming. The demands may not necessarily be hands on - but librarians need to know basic programming concepts to help manage information, work with developers, or automate processes. Brian Hamman, of the New York Times Interactive News Technologies team will introduce you to these and applications, whether for internal presentation or an external audience.

Brian Hamman, New York Times Interactive
Moderator: Kate Arnold, Director of Patient Information at Cancer Research UK

10:00 am - 11:30 am
Louisiana Newspapers: Microfilm & Digitization Project

Join project directors for the Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers project - librarians from Louisiana State University will discuss their efforts at preserving newspapers on microfilm as well as digitization of these formats as part of the United States Newspaper Program.

Elaine Smyth, Head, Special Collections, Louisiana State University Libraries
Athena Jackson, Louisiana Newspaper Project, LSU Libraries
Moderator: Judy Jumonville, Library Manager, The Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA

Session Sponsor: Newsbank

12:00 noon - 1:30 pm
Inherent Knowledge Sharing

Mary Ellen Bates will look at how info pros can move beyond 'merely' providing information to facilitating insight-sharing within our organizations. Creating a culture of knowledge sharing involves more than buying a software application; it requires that we understand how people seek and share information, and build tools that tap into that info-stream. Hear lots of ideas and strategies for enabling inherent knowledge sharing from our experienced practitioner.

Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services
Amy Disch, Library Director, The Columbus Dispatch
Co-sponsored with Knowledge Management Division

Session Sponsor: Dow Jones

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
State of the Revolution: Constant innovation in the local news landscape

While the format adapts and morphs - journalism will endure. The news just keeps coming. The question is: what do communities need to know? How can we get as many people as possible to these stories or provide the best information? How best to connect citizens with this information? Join new media pioneers Ben Ilfield and Geoff Samek, co-founders of Castle Press LLC, whose Sacramento Press together with a small core staff and hundreds of community writers, cover the pulse of Sacramento, California. They will address their vision, their model, the platform they built, how the news is reported, edited, tagged, curated and circulated online - with plans for expansion

Ben Ilfield, co-founder and COO, Sacramento Press / Castle Press LLC
Geoff Samek, co-founder and Editor-in-Chief, Sacramento Press / Castle Press
Moderator: Leigh Montgomery, Christian Science Monitor
Session Sponsor: ProQuest

Wednesday, June 16

12 noon
Nuts & Bolts of Contract Management

Basic guidelines for content management in these challenging times. Both speakers will provide pragmatic and "real life" advice for those working in the content management trenches. Contract negotiation preparedness, change management and basic support will all be covered. There will be ample time for questions and answers, so bring your problems to the program!

Speakers: Bill Noorlander, Partner BST America LLC
Craig Wingrove, Director External Content KPMG
Moderator: Carol Ginsburg, Managing Director BST America LLC
Co-sponsoring: Business & Finance, Legal, News, Pharma, Academic and Social Science.

Session Sponsor: Wolters Kluwer

2:00 - 4:00 pm
SLA Closing General Session & Membership Meeting

In a lecture based on his new book, The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google, Nick Carr describes how the World Wide Web is turning into the World Wide Computer as data and software move into the internet "cloud." Exploding the narrow definition of "Web 2.0," Carr puts the shift into a broad technological, economic, and historical context, laying out the challenges and opportunities that businesses will face as they confront computing's new age.

Service Projects in New Orleans

In an effort to give back to our host city of New Orleans, SLA is organizing three service projects during our conference, there will be ND members on Saturday, 12 June.

Habitat for Humanity (full-day option)
Saturday, 12 June, 7:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Ticket #99
Cost: $105/pp; cost covers a $50 volunteer fee that Habitat for Humanity collects, plus transportation and lunch. Volunteer fee is tax deductible.

Habitat for Humanity (full-day option)
Thursday, 17 June, 7:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Ticket #810
Cost: $105/pp; cost covers a $50 volunteer fee that Habitat for Humanity collects, plus transportation and lunch. Volunteer fee is tax deductible.

Second Harvest (half-day option)
Thursday, 17 June, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Ticket #815
Cost: $45/pp; cost covers transportation. Volunteer fee is tax deductible.

SLA News Division Home

Last Updated: 06/13/10
Alice Pepper