DC News Group Meeting March 16, 2001

Please join the DC News Group for an interesting discussion on "Digitizing your Archive". Sandy Levy of the Baltimore Sun will talk about her experiences over the years, and Jen Belton of the Washington Post will discuss the issues to consider when selecting a vendor.

When: Friday, March 16, 5:30-7:00pm (CIL attendees are encouraged to join us)

Where: The Washington Post, 1150 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20071-0002

What: Digitizing Your Archive

Who: DC News Group, SLA Members & Friends

RSVP: Please respond to srosenthal@usnews.com by March 9. The Post is convenient to the Farragut North and McPherson Square Metro stops.

Washington DC News Group
SLA News Division Home

Last Updated: 04/08/2001
Amy Disch