FNLA 2004

The Florida News Libraries Association

Invites you to attend the annual FNLA meeting

Friday, May 21

At the St. Petersburg Times

Registration Fee: $20 ($10 for students)

Sponsored by:

St. Petersburg Times


8:00-8:30 Registration and continental breakfast

8:30-9:00 Annual FNLA Business Meeting

9:00-10:30 Legal research: What law librarians know that you should know

Presented by Sally Waters, Stetson University College of Law

10:30-11:30 Tour of the St. Petersburg Times news library

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Florida public records update

Presented by Barbara Petersen, First Amendment Foundation

2:30-4:00 Essential resources for covering the 2004 election

Presented by Sheila Krumholz, Center for Responsive Politics

The St. Petersburg Times is located at: 490 First Avenue South,

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Nearby accommodations include:

Questions? Contact John Martin at (727)892-2261 or jmartin@sptimes.com

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Please return registration form below with check made payable to SLA / News Division by May 1, 2004 to: John Martin, Research Editor, St. Petersburg Times, PO Box 1121, St. Petersburg, FL 33731



Name: _________________________ E-mail: _________________________

Business/School: _________________________ Phone number: _________________________

Please share this invitation with your co-workers or classmates.

A Word version of this announcement is available.

Florida News Libraries Association
SLA News Division Home

Last Updated: 04/06/04
Amy Disch