Author Archives: Derek Willis

Another Way to Look at the Congressional Record

I’m going to start this Tech Tips post by assuming that, unlike me, most people don’t love reading the Congressional Record. But newsrooms often like to know what’s in it, and when their elected representatives said it. The tried and … Continue reading

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New 2010 Census Data Project from IRE

We all know that the 2010 Census data has started to come out, giving newsrooms updated demographic information from the once-every-10-years count of the American population. The Census Bureau website has detailed information and a schedule of new releases. But … Continue reading

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A Tech Tips Roundup

It has been a long winter here in the mid-Atlantic where I am, which means I had plenty of time indoors to check out some great new tools and utilities for libraries and librarians. There’s no theme or organization to … Continue reading

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Tech Tip: DocumentCloud for Librarians

Documents – and the information they contain – are the lifeblood of news organizations. We read them, write about them, discuss them. And, every so often, we do the right thing and let our readers and listeners do the same. … Continue reading

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