Category Archives: Old NewsliBlog Postings

Forbes editor’s ode to news research

In a new blog entry, Forbes editor Tim Ferguson praises the skills of news researcher Susan Radlauer, who has recently been promoted to director of research services. He goes on to discuss how invaluable she is, how she can’t be … Continue reading

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2011 Conference Planner’s Report from Philadelphia

Via NewsLib… For SLA 2011, the News Division held or co-sponsored 12 events, on- and off-site. There were 2 tours during the weekend: one of the Philadelphia Inquirer, led by Michael Panzer, and the other of the Rosenbach Museum and … Continue reading

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SLA Session — Using the Internet to Research Private Companies

Using the Internet to Research Private CompaniesPresented by August Jackson of Verizonaugust (at) augustjackson (dot) netTuesday, 14 June 2011, 8 a.m. Practical tips for finding info about private companiesSlides (complete with appendix and additional resource links) for this presentation can … Continue reading

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Notes from the Chair: Ready for the Unpredictable Future

When I was growing up, I had a science book with an illustration that fascinated me: a vision of Paris in the year 2000 from a century ago showing flying streetcars and aerial cafes. At the time, flight and electric … Continue reading

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Division Chair-Elect wins SLA diversity award

According to an SLA press release: News Division Chair-Elect Elizabeth “Eli” Edwards, a temporary research librarian at the Seattle-based law firm of Foster Pepper PLLC, is the recipient of SLA’s 2011 Diversity and Leadership Development Program Award, sponsored by EBSCO. … Continue reading

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SLA 2011 Schedule of Events

Here is a list of the News Division programs at the 2011 SLA Conference in Philadelphia. For more information about the conference, check out the Conference Planner on the SLA website. Saturday, June 112:00 PM – 5:00 PMTour of the … Continue reading

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