In Memoriam: Barbara Semonche

We received the sad news today that Barbara Semonche passed away on Wednesday, May 13, 2015. There will be a Remembrance Celebration on June 13th at the family’s home. We have lost a great champion of news libraries, mentor and friend. Her work and dedication to the News Division will long be remembered. She not only devoted countless hours and energy to the News Division but also to other SLA chapters and divisions as well as many students at UNC-Chapel Hill. Many colleagues are sharing warm memories of her on the NewsLib mailing list. Our condolences to the family.

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2 Responses to In Memoriam: Barbara Semonche

  1. Shirley Wong says:

    My condolences to Barbara’s family! I met at SLA Conference in NYC many years ago and Barbara is a wonderful and friendly person even we only met once in person. RIP!

  2. Christine Cole says:

    I was very sorry to read the obituary of Barbara Semonche. She was an inspiration and guide to many in the UK. I wrote to her after reading an article by her about the lack of representation for news librarians in the UK and in 1986, while on holiday in the UK, she came to visit me in my library. As a result of her advice, I helped co-found a National Association of News Libraries which was later incorporated into the Association of UK Media Librarians (AUKML) formed by colleagues in London, later still amalgamated into CILIP for all librarians. I met her again at an AUKML conference in Durham in 1996.and was able to thank her for all she had done. I have a photograph of our first meeting (which was naturally published in my paper) but do not know how to put it on this post. My sympathy to her family, particularly to her husband who accompanied her on the above visits.

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