News Library News Online
Vol. 24, No. 2/Winter 2002

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A new member introduces herself

Dalia SalazarDalia Salazar
Librarian, Inter American Press Association

I am graduate of Florida State University where I received my Masters in Library and Information Studies. I have worked as a business analyst for Florida Power and Light and as a Public Librarian for the Miami Dade Public Library System. I recently was hired to man the Inter American Press Association's special library in Miami, Florida, which was created through a grant provided by the Freedom Forum in Arlington, VA.

We are a specialized library with targeted materials pertaining to journalism, mass communication, media law in the Americas, free speech and freedom of the press. Our materials are in English, Spanish and some Portuguese. You can visit us at our web site at

I joined the News Division of SLA because it seemed like the most logical choice, and I think that it will be a great resource to help guide me in this field that is still relatively new to me.