SLA News Division Awards Announcement

On Monday, Eli Edwards, past chair of the SLA News Division posted this note to NewsLib:

Dear Members of the News Division …

It is my honor and privilege to announce this year’s awardees of the Division’s Joseph F. Kwapil Memorial Award and the Agnes Henebry Roll of Honor Award.

The 2013 Agnes Henebry Roll of Honor Award will go to Catherine Kitchell and Derek Willis. The Joseph F. Kwapil will be awarded to Justin Scroggs.

Details for the awards ceremony in San Diego during the 2013 Annual Conference are still being finalized.  If you plan to attend the annual conference and will want to attend the ceremony, please email me at and your name will be placed on a list of potential attendees.

Thanks to the Awards Committee this year for their efficient and invaluable work: Carolyn Edds, Peter Johnson, Toby Lyles, Leigh Montgomery, and Justin Scroggs (no, he didn’t vote for himself, the rest of the committee thrusted the honor upon him).



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