"What Led to the Republican Resurgence?" [Raleigh N&O]

"Understanding the Enormous Republican Strides" [Raleigh N&O]

Excerpts - The GOP Tapes: Frank Rouse, N.C. GOP chairman, 1971-74 [Raleigh N&O]

Excerpts - The GOP Tapes: Jack Lee, N.C. GOP chairman, 1976-81 [Raleigh N&O]

Excerpts - The GOP Tapes: Jack Hawke, N.C. GOP chairman, 1987-95 [Raleigh N&O]

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In the Media: "North Carolina Politics Project" Series

A major feature on the Southern Oral History Program's North Carolina Politics Project and its North Carolina Republican Party Project component appeared in the 1997 article "What Led to the Republican Resurgence?" in the Raleigh News & Observer. Appearing alongside the story were excerpts from project interviews with GOP leaders Frank Rouse, Jack Lee, and Jack Hawke, and commentary on Understanding the Enormous Republican Strides.

*A major news feature on the Southern Oral History Program's North Carolina Politics Project and its North Carolina Republican Party Project component appeared in the 1997 article "What Led to the Republican Resurgence?" in the Raleigh News & Observer. Excerpts from project interviews with GOP leaders Frank Rouse, Jack Lee, and Jack Hawke, and commentary on Understanding the Enormous Republican Strides appeared alongside the N&O story.

The Southern Oral History Program
Center for the Study of the American South
Love House and Hutchins Forum
410 East Franklin St., CB# 9127, UNC-CH
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-9127
(919) 962-0455