Rouverol's Independent Weekly article, "Inside Stories"

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Alicia Rouverol

Alicia Rouverol
Alicia J. Rouverol is co-coordinator of SOHP "Listening for a Change" projects examining new immigrants and neighborhood change in Durham, N.C., life review with prison inmates in Anson County, N.C., and life review with HIV patients in Durham. A graduate of the UNC-CH Curriculum in Folklore, Rouverol is former associate director of the Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History and former assistant director of the SOHP. She has directed several SOHP oral history initiatives, including the Women's Leadership and Grassroots Activism project (with Jacquelyn Hall) and the Closing of White Furniture Company project (with Bill Bamberger and Kathryn Nasstrom).

I Was Content and Not Content
Rouverol is co-author of the book "I Was Content and Not Content": The Story of Linda Lord and the Closing of Penobscot Poultry. She has taught at UNC-CH and the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, and currently serves as the Oral History Association liaison to the American Folklore Society; with historian Mary Murphy she served as Program Co-Chair for the 2000 annual meeting of OHA in Durham.

Oral History Publications


  • "I Was Content and Not Content": The Story of Linda Lord and the Closing of Penobscot Poultry (Southern Illinois University Press, 2000). Co-authored with Cedric N. Chatterley and Stephen A. Cole. Foreword by Michael Frisch; essay by Carolyn Chute.
  • "I Am Ella Keesler Fountain Pratt": An Oral History (Durham Arts Council/Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, 1999). Foreword by Reynolds Price; afterword by Jaki Shelton Green.

Selected Articles
  • "I Was Content and Not Content: Oral History and the Collaborative Process," Oral History (UK), Vol. 28, No. 2, Autumn 2000 (in submission process).
  • "Between Text and Photos: Telling the Story of Linda Lord and the Closing of Penobscot Poultry," Oral History: Challenges for the 21st Century. 10th International Oral History Conference, Proceedings Vol. 4, forthcoming 2000.
  • "Using Folklore for Interpretation," Pathways: Discovering Your Connections to History. A program of the American Association for State and Local History, forthcoming 2000.
  • "Whole Lives: Reflections on Living with HIV," NC Crossroads, a publication of the North Carolina Humanities Council. Vol. 3, Issue 4, Nov./Dec. 1999. Co-authored with Lisa Yarger.
  • "The Closing of Penobscot Poultry and the Story of Linda Lord: One Woman's Experience of Deindustrialization," Journal of Applied Folklore 4:5-21 (1998).
  • "'Hot, Cool, and Getting Down': African American Style and Aesthetics in Stepping," North Carolina Folklore Journal, Vol. 43, No. 2, Summer/Fall 1996.

The Southern Oral History Program
(a component of the UNC Center for the Study of the American South)
CB#9127, 406 Hamilton Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-9127
(919) 962-0455