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Experiencing Swamy Desika -- #17

Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha:
Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha:
Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha:

Swami Desikar considers Shri Nammalvar's Thiruvai Mozhi
as "Dramida Upanishad". In the introduction to the works on

"Dramidopanisatsara"; and
"Dramidopanishat Tatparya Ratnavali"

our Swami states that the Alwars are Seers and
their works are Upanishads. Since the Alvar's
works spells out the Bhagavad Gunas, Swami says
they are Upanishads.

Our Lord is delightfully beautiful and ever young.
Our Alwars and Acharyaas, on seeing the "Soundarya"
and "Swokumarya" of our Lord, have felt that our Lord
could be cast upon with some evil.

Please note that such a thought is NOT with the
thinking that our Lord is prone to such things.
It is the divine love and bhakthi of our Alvars
and Acharyaas that sees our Lord as everything
and sometimes like their child. Hence, when they
see the beauty of our Lord they instantly feel
the need to protect like a mother would like to
do for her son. Such fear made the Alvars &
Acharyaas (who have been granted omniscience
by God himself) utter mangala sasana pasurams
(anju kudi). The Tamil words 'Vazhi, Vazhi',
(Potri,Potri), Pallandu, Pallandu,
signify Mangala-sasana.

Out of this affection, our Alwars and Acharyaas
recite "Mangalasasanam".

Swami Desikan in his Tatparya Chandrika elaborates
like this:

The Lord is deemed as saying:

"Whatever the Vedanta may hold, it is My settled
conviction that the man of wisdom is my very self"

Just a glimpse of Nammalvar's anubhavam:

"Aalu-malaar aazhiyum changum chumappar tham
Vaalum villum kondu pin chelvar matrillai
Thaalum tholum kaikalai-yarat tozhak kanen
Naalum naalum naaduvan adiyen jnalattey"

-- Thiruvaimozhi 8.3.3

Our Alvar grieves at the loneliness of our Lord.
Alvar's divine love to our Lord makes him feel that
there is none to do mangalasasana in both Nitya and
Leela Vibhutis.

Our Lord, inspite of being the King of Kings, has
not even appointed one servant to take care of
his demands.

He is upset that Our Lord, whose Divine body is
Lovelier than the loveliest of flowers has to
carry the Panchayudhas, all the time,
for protecting his Devotees!

Alvar feels that our Lord should give this burden
to be carried by someone! Our Alvar's Love to
our Lord is so great that Lord, carrying the ornamental
Ayudhams looks like carrying a mountain itself.

Shri Lakshmana carried all the weapons when Lord
incarnated as Shri Rama in this world. But then
our Lord is denied of such service in Sri Vaikuntam.

Being the head of the fearing tribe, (anju-kudi),
the Alvar melts at the loneliness of the supreme Being.

Swami Desika's sishyas, Shri Periya Parakaalaswami,
Shri Rangaramanuja and Shri Saaksaatsvaami wrote
erudite commentries on Thiruvai Mozhi.

Swami Desika prostrates to the "Vedam Tamil seyda

...To be continued!

Nammalvar tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi