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Experiencing Swamy Desika -- #21

Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha:
Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha:
Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha:

Swami Desika has given accolades to Shri Nathamunigal
in his work - Yatiraja Saptati.

Swami Says:

"Nathena munina tena Bhaveyam nathavan-aham !
Yasya naigamikam tattvam Hastamalakatam gatam !!"

Swami states in the above verse, that Shri Nathamunigal
is the preceptor and Swami could boldly consider that
Shri Nathamunigal is the guardian.

Swami states that Shri Nathamunigal availed a great
opportunity to perceive the nigama-tattva, i.e., the
true and subtle meaning of the Vedas. Swami adds that
Shri Nathamunigal gave the meaning of Vedas in such
simple terms that it looked as clear as the tiny Amla
fruit in one's palm. [ullangai nellikkani...]

Swami prostrates before Shri Nathamunigal with folded
hands and prays for the master to protect him forever.

Shri Nathamunigal gave us Nyaya Tattva and Yogarahasya
and luckily for us, the first Mangala sloka of the
Nyaya Tattva is available - thanks to Swami Desika.

"Yo vetti yugapat-sarvam
Pratyaksena sada svatah
Tam pranamya Harim
Sastram Nyayatattvam Pracakshmahe!!"

Having humbly bowed down to the supreme Lord Hari
who knows everything
(1) directly
(ii) forever
(iii) through immediate perception
(iv) on his own accord
(v) and simultaneously,
let me commence to write his work Nyayatattva.

It is also known that the Nyayatattva has been
a refutation of some principal doctrines of Nyaya.

Shri Nathamuni has written a lot of Thaniyans
(prefatory stanza). The thaniyan of Perialvar
Thiruvaymoli, highlights the greatness of the
Alvar and his work.

Bhaktamrtam Visvajananumodanam
Sarvarthadam Sri satha Kopavanmayam
Sahasra sakhopanishat samagamam
Namamyaham Dravidavedasagaram

Both the sanskrit and tamil thaniyan of
Kanninun Siruthambu are ascribed to the
authorship of Sri Nathamunigal:

(i) Avidita-Visayantarah sathareh upanisadam
    upaganamatra bhogah!
api ca gunavasat tadekaseshi Madhurakavir hrdaye mamavirastu!!

(ii) Veronrum nanariyen vedam tamil seyda
maran sathakopan van kurukur eru engal
Valvam enrettum Madhurakaviyar
emmai alvar avare aran.

Nadhamunigal has extolled the greatness of
Madhurakavi thus :

Madhurakavi knew saint Satagopa as the only true
guide and preceptor; he knew none else other than
him; he became overjoyed by singing the holy
upanisadic utterances of Sathakopa. He hailed
Nammalvar as the supreme master because of his
ennobling qualities and benign virtues.

Shri Nathamunigal made his life's sole aim to collect
and systematise the Tamil Marai - Nalaayira Divya Prabandham,
thereby laying the foundation of establishing and
spreading of Sri Vaishnavism.

Shri Nathamunigal, provided tunes and dance movements
to Divya Prabandham. He passed this tradition to his
grandson Shri Yamunacharya, whom he felt would be a
great Sri Vaishnava Acharya. Shri Nathamunigal also
said that Shri Yamunacharya will do immense service to
Sriya:Pathi and the devotees of the Divya Dampathy.

Today, [26th Jun 1999] is the Thiru nakshatram of this Great
Acharya. Let us pour our heart felt salutations at the holy
feet of Shri Nathamunigal, as experienced and felt by our

...To be continued!

Nathamunigal tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi