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Experiencing Swamy Desika -- #50

Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha:
Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha:
Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha:

"SrimAn VenaktanAthArya: kavithArkika kEsarI!
VedAnthAchArya varyO mE sannidhatthAM sadhA hrudhi"!!

In the next Sloka of VairAgya Panchakam,
Swami Desika says:

durEsvara dvAra bahir vitardikaa -
durAsikaayai rachi-tOya manjali: !
Yeth anjanAbham nirapAya masthimey
dhananjaya syandhana bhOoshaNam dhanam !!

-- vairAgya Panchakam (3)

Swami Desika's depth of vairAgya is visible in this
Sloka. Swami says, Arjuna's Chariot was most beautiful
when Lord Krishna was the charioteer. Lord Krishna,
was extremely beautiful and all lustrous like
a dark diamond seated on the chariot. He protects the
world from entering into sinful ways. Lord Krishna is
an everlasting wealth. When this wealth is with me,
why should I go behind some other wealth?

For obtaining some favours, people have to wait on the
entrance of haughty persons. Even for a minute interview
with them, people would have to wait disgracefully for
endless days. This state indeed is a pathetic one for
learned men. Instead of such a state, if we offer our
anjali to that supreme Lord who is the imperishable
dhana, that Lord would bestow on us the greatest
wealth. Here, the Lord is Pictured as having a dark
complexion like a collyrium. As a magic collyrium would
reveal the hidden treasures, the Lord too would reveal
the hidden treasures, which is his true nature.

Swami Desika does not want to be in such a state of
remaining trembling in the outer courtyard of those
cruel masters. So, Swami folds his hands in the form
of anjali to that predicament so that Lord will save
him from such a situation.

Swami Desika has expressed stronger views in
Subhasita Nivi. Shri L. Srinivasan has given an
English translation of the same, the relevant text
is reproduced below:

"Those endowed by the grace of God with the wealth
of grain in the shape of good qualities, particularly
poets, should have noting to do under any circumstances
with the wicked who are lofty in their arrogance, even
though they are in very high positions of power and
patronage and appear to be celebrated, being surrounded
by misguided fools lacking discrimination touching
their feet apparently for small favours, because their
deeds are atrocious and shocking, their nature is
hard-hearted, they associate with cruel persons and
they lack refined taste for appreciating excellence."

Swami Desika clearly explains to us that we degrade
our selves by waiting in the door steps of people who
have temporary riches.

Swami advises us to resort to Lord Krishna, who would
come down to any level if we resort to him. In this
Sloka itself Swami mentions that the Great Lord who
protects the whole world from entering into sinful ways,
did even sAradyam to Arjuna!

"Kavi Taarkika Simhaaya Kalyaana guna SaalinE!
SrimatE VenkateshAya VedAnta Gurave nama !!"

...To be continued!

dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi