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Experiencing Swamy Desika -- #68

Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha:
Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha:
Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha:

"SrimAn VenaktanAthArya: kavithArkika kEsarI!
VedAnthAchArya varyO mE sannidhatthAM sadhA hrudhi"!!

In the previous posting we saw Swami Desika establishing that
our Lord demonstrated his supremacy beyond controversies
only in the TrivikramAvatARam.

Swami now says that there is nothing to wonder at how our Lord
measured the worlds by his three steps because there is something
much more interesting to wonder about!!!

Our Lord had been growing so fast and became extremely huge when
he measured the worlds. We saw this in our 56th Posting.

Now, how does one define the fact that our Lord could find room
in a small place along with the Mudal Alvars when he had scaled
the entire universe in his TrivikramAvatAra!!!

"Chitram na tat trishu mitAni padEshu yat tE
vishvAnyamooni bhuvanAni vishankatEshu !
bhaktai: samam kvachidasau bhavanaikadEshE
mAti sma moortiramitA tadihAdbutam na: !!"

-- dEhaleesa stuti (9)

Swami wonders how our Lord who took cosmic proportions transfers
himself to a tiny form compressed into a dEhali. This dEhali
was sufficient for just one person to sleep, 2 people to sit
and a maximum of 3 to stand! There were already three devotees
in the dEhali. The dEhali was not even sufficient for them to
stand comfortably, they had to huddle together.

Our Lords tirumEni entered into such a small place. Our Lord who
had exhibited his supremacy in his TrivikramAvatARam shows his
sowlabyam by entering into this small place just for the sake of
his devotees. Swami Desika enjoys this adbuta rasa and says that
in front of this great wonder - exhibiting our Lords sowlabyam,
that feet of measuring the cosmos by two broad strides which
completely covered it all, dwindles into insignificance!

Swami Desika has enjoyed similar adbutam rasa in VaradarAja Panchasat.

"bAlAkrutErvatapalAshamitasya yasya
tasyaiva tadvarada hanta katham prabhootam
vArAhamAsthitavathoo vapuradbutam tE !!"

-- VaradarAja Panchasat (22)

When the Lord was a small baby, lying on a banyan leaf, the entire
cosmos was confined to a small portion of the Lords stomach. This
itself is an adbutam!

Our Lord's VarAhA avatArA was so huge that the mount Meru was a pebble
in the anklet on one of the feet of Lord VarAhA! So, when Lord took
the VarAhA avatAram, how did the cosmos become so big as to carry
the huge VarAhA? This is another adbutam!

Now, if the cosmos is bigger than Lord's tirumEni, how is it that
the entire cosmos was confined to a small portion of the Lords
stomach when the Lord was a small baby, lying on a banyan leaf?
If the cosmos is smaller than Lords tirumEni, how is it that the
VarAhA tirumEni, which is many times bigger than the cosmos carry it?

Swami is wonder-stuck with these great miracles which happen
only due to our Lords exclusive powers!!!

On one hand we see our infinitely huge Lord Trivikrama, shrink to a
tiny form, and on the other the infinitely small Lord growing
immeasurably huge in the VarAhA avatArA!!!

Each of these is an adbutam in its own way !!!

"Kavi Taarkika Simhaaya Kalyaana guna SaalinE!
SrimatE VenkateshAya VedAnta Gurave nama !!"

...To be continued!

dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi