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Swamy Deshikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam !!!
Swamy Varadanatha Nayanaracharya Maha Deshikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam !!!

Dear Bhagavathas,
We shall continue in this posting to enjoy the Avatara Vaibhavam of Sriman
Nayanaracharya Maha Deshikan based on 3000 padi guruparampara prabhavam of
Tritiya Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy.

Avataara Vaibhavam - 3

The entourage of Swamy and Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Jeeyar reaches
Thirumalai. At this time the Jeeyar of Thirumalai had attained paramapadam.
Lord Thiruvenkatamudaiyan appointed Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Jeeyar to
take up the mantle of Srikaryadurandhara of Thirumalai shrine. Brahmatantra
Swamy came and submitted this information to his acharya Swamy
Nayanaracharya. An extremely pleased Nayanaracharya said "This is indeed an
anugraha vishesham that you are bestowed with the wealth of Kainkarya
nirvaaham along with Siddhantha pravachanam." From that day onwards
Brahmatantra Swamy took over the mantle of Srikaryadurandhara of Thirumalai

Swamy Nayanaracharya continued to stay at Thirumalai for some more time and
later on a Purattasi day he performed mangalashasanam to Alarmel Mangai
sametha Srinivasan and moved to Ahobilam. Here Swamy was honoured by the
king Sarvajna Shingappa Nayaka. At this place there was a magician by name
Shakalyamalla who had a brahmarakshasa in his control. This brahmarakshasa
had cast a spell by which the thiruppallakku on which Swamy was travelling
could not be moved at all. Our Swamy with his manthra siddhi broke the spell
and instead made the brahmarakshasa carry the pallakku. This broke the
garvam of Shakalyamalla who later apologised.

On the banks of Godavari, Swamy met a Brahmana by name Daasharaja. Swamy
converted this Brahmanan to a Srivaishnavan and named him as Dasharathiraja
and presented him with a vigraham of Nigamantha Maha Deshika and asked him
to perform Thiruvaradhanam to it everyday.
At his request Swamy wrote a few works like Saararthasangraham and others
and taught it to his disciples. After completing his Vada Desha yatrai,
Swamy returned to Perumal Koil Kanchipuram.

After his return to Kanchipuram Swamy performed an Agnishtoma Yagam. It may
of interest to note here that Swamy comes in a lineage of acharyas who have
been performers of sacred Yajnas. Mention need to be made of Anantha
Somayaji and Pundarikaksha Yajva who were very famous for the Yajnas they

A few years after this Brahmatantra Swatantrar granted sanyasam to his
disciple Perarulalaiyyar Appai who was named Dwiteeya Brahmatantra Swatantra
Parakala Maha Deshikan (II Jeeyar of Parakala Matham). On one auspicious
day, Brahmatantra Swatantra Jeeyar, contemplating on the thiruvadi of
Deshika, attained his acharya's lotus feet. Upon the instructions from
Nayanaracharya, Veeravalli pillai, performed all the charama kainkaryams of
the Jeeyar. Dviteeya Brahmatantra Swatantra Swamy took over as the Srikaryam
of Thiruvenkatamudaiyaan's shrine.

This was the time Nayanaracharya Swamy authored works like Adhikarana
Chintamani. Having been wrongly provoked by Shakalya malla, a maayi sanyasi
approached Swamy and said "You first win over me and then continue your
siddhantha pravachanam". Swamy decided to break the garvam of this sanyaasi
by the anugraham of Perumal and Deshika. 

Swamy was greatly pleased with the kainkaryams of one his disciples by name
Annan. Swamy consecrated some water with the sacred Hayagrivamanthram and
gave this to Annan and sent him to win over this sanyasi. Annan won over the
sanyasi in a battle of Vedantha. The sanyasi sumitted himself at the feet of
Annan and later at the feet of Nayanaracharya. An extremely pleased Swamy
exclaimed "Prativaadi bhayankaram AnnanE vArum...". Prativaadi Bhayankaram
Annan later composed the most beautiful "Saptati ratna maalika" on Swamy
Deshika. As per the wish of Swamy, Annan went to Thiruvarangam and continued
siddhantha pravachanam.

On one day when Swamy was having the darshanam of Perarulalan, he entered
into a spiritual epiphany wherein the Lord said "nam periyaveeDu
shErakkadavIr ..." - "You shall soon attain my holy abode in Paramapadam".
As per the Lord's command, Swamy gave his last sermons to all his disciples
and took Deshika Sripadateertham and blessed his disciples with his own
Sripadateertham. He presented the vigraham of Varadarajar that was presented
to him by Swamy Deshika to his disciple Emperumaanaarappan. Amidst the
ghosham of Thiruvaimozhi and Upanishats, Swamy Nayanaracharya Maha Deshikan
attained the lotus feet of Swamy Deshika on a Panguni Krishna Saptami day of

Upon the instructions of Thirumalaiappar who was the Srikaryakartha of
Perumal Koil and also the son of Thirumalai Srinivasacharya,
Emperumaanaarappan who was Swamy's disciple performed all the charama
kainkaryams of Swamy Nayanaracharya.

Swamy Varadanatha Nayanaracharya's works include -

On Swamy Deshika -
Deshika Mangalashasanam, 
Deshika Prarthanashtakam, 
Deshika Prapatti, 
Deshika Dinacharya, 
Deshika Vigrahadhyanam, 
Pillai AnthAdi - All these on Swamy Deshikan.

Other works on sampradayam include -
SArArtha sangraham, 
AbhayapradAna sAram, 
Virodhi bhanjani, 
Prabandha sAram, 
Tattva traya chuLakam, 
Rahasya traya chuLakam, 
AhAra niyamam, 
Nyasa tilaka vyAkhyAnam, 
SaguNa brahma samarthanam, 
Abheda khandanam, 
AvidyA khandanam, 
tyAga shabdArtha nirnayam, 
Tattva muktA kalApa shAnti, 
Adhikarana chintAmaNi, 
mImAmsA pAduka paritrANam, 
HariNa sandesham, 
Kokila sandesham

He had disciples ranging from monarchs to ascetics similar to Swamy
Deshikan. HIs prime disciples include -
PrativAdi Bhayankaram Annan, 
KandADai Annan, 
KomAndUr AchchAn, 
PoLipAkkaM nayinAr, 
Thirumalai appar, 
KidAmbi appar, 
NadAdUr Azhwan, 
KandAdai appan, 

Let us sing his taniyan and pray at his feet to grant us the wealth of
jnanam and acharya bhakti -
"shrAvaNe mAsi rohiNyAm jAtam venkatadeshikAt |
vishvAmitrAnvayAbdhIndum varadAryamaham bhaje || 
shrImallakshmaNa yogIndra siddhAntha vijayadhvajam |
vishvAmitrAnvayAbdhIndum varadAryamaham bhaje || "

Sri VedAntha Deshika samyami sArvabhouma kaTAksha labdha sArvajna, 
Srimath Sri kavikathaka kanteerava charaNa naLina yugaLa vinyasta samastAtma
Sri Kumara Varadanatha Nayanaracharya Maha DeshikAya namaha

To be contd...

Note - The avatara vaibhavam of Nayanaracharya is based purely on 3000 padi
guruparampara prabhavam of Srimath Triteeya Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala
Yatindra Maha Deshikan (III Jeeyar of Parakala Matham).

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