[Neil and RWR as baby] Neil Reagan and his baby brother, Ronald, born February 6, 1911. Ronald's brother, Neil, was also born in Tampico, Illinois, in 1908. This picture appears to be in 1911.

The picture clearly suggests Ronald's boyhood nickname of "Dutch," at least as far as his father was concerned.[]

After Ron's birth, the Tampico Tornado reported "Jack Reagan has been calling 37 inches a yard and giving 17 ounces for a pound this week at Pitney's Store: He has been feeling so jubilant over the arrival of a ten-pound boy Monday."

Photo credit: The White House

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When Jack Reagan first saw his son, Ronald, he said he looked like a "fat little Dutchman." From that moment on, Ronald Reagan became "Dutch," a nickname that would stick with him until he went to Hollywood in his twenties. Neil's nickname? "Moon" after the cartoon character Moon Mullins.

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