BBEdit: the Windows window doesn't suck.
The Windows window -- compared to Windows 95/98/NT, this window is *useful* This window contains a listing of all open windows. It's great for when you've got multiple documents open and they all overlap each other. If you want to get to a doc that's buried under a pile of others without having to click through them all, just double click its name in this window and it magically pops to the front.

That document's keyboard shortcut is also displayed to the right. To get index.shtml to pop to the front, you simply press the Apple key along with 1. To bring chernoff.html to the front, it's Apple-2.

Another great feature of this window is the little diamond shape next to each document. That only pops up when you make changes to that page. It's kinda a notice telling you that you should probably save it soon. As you can see here, I've got two documents open, chernoff.html and index.shtml, and they both need to be saved.

At the top of the window, you can see those three buttons, Save, Close and Print. Those do exactly what you think they do. They're yet another time-saving shortcut that BBEdit provides.

For a more complete walk-through of BBEdit's features, read the pdf-formatted user manual.
Warning: your milage may vary.