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Leader of the group:

Koksharov Sergei A.
Head of the laboratory, Institute of Solution Chemistry;
Ph.D 1983, Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology;
D.Sc. 1996, Ivanovo Textile Academy


Sibirev Alexandr L.
Research Associate, Institute of Solution Chemistry;
Ph.D. 1987, Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology

Smirnov Konstantin K.
Senior scientist, Ivanovo Medical Academy;
Ph.D 1985, Anti-plague Scientific Research Institute 

Schetilov Nikolai G.
Ph.D student, Institute of Solution Chemistry

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1. Magnetic fields as the means for regulating interparticle interactions in dyeing and finishing compositions.

The influence of steady magnetic fields has been investigated upon
bullet5.gif (101 bytes)    the state of dyes (both water-soluble and insoluble) and surfactants in the solutions applied in textile dyeing and finishing,
bullet5.gif (101 bytes)    sorption capacity of cellulose fibrous materials,
bullet5.gif (101 bytes)    plasticizing and diffusion permeability of thermoplastic fibers.

Significant effect of the magnetic fields on the above-mentioned characteristics was experimentally confirmed. The possibility of achieving several desirable effects in dyeing and finishing textiles was demonstrated. This is based on :
 bullet5.gif (101 bytes)  the stimulation of association and aggregation of electrolytes in aqueous solutions, exposed to magnetic fields;
 bullet5.gif (101 bytes)  the increase in solvation of hydrotropic organic compounds;
 bullet5.gif (101 bytes)  the changes in the conditions of chemical mass-transfer and in the kinetics of some chemical processes.

All the conclusions have been comprehensively tested by introducing magnetic treatment into various dyeing and finishing technologies on textile plants within Russia.


1.Koksharov S.A. etc. Application of magnetic treatment for improving the quality of textile materials dyeing and finishing. Review. Moscow, TsNIITEILegprom, No 6, (1989),60 pp. 
2. Kokharov S.A. etc. Influence of magnetic field upon the state of reactive dyes in solutions. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii (J. Applied Chemistry), Vol. 63, No 3, (1990), P. 565-571 .
3. Zakharov A.G., Maximov A.I., Koksharov S.A. The prospects of physical effect applications under textile material treatment. Book of Papers, 17th IFATCC Congress, Vienna, 5-7 June, 1996, P. 173-176.
4. Kokharov S.A., Ivanov V.V. Estimation of the effects caused by magnetic treatment of solutions using data on thermochemistry of electrolytes dissolution. Zhurnal obschei khimii (J. General Chemistry), Vol. 40,  No 1,(1997), P.69-73.

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2. Influence of weak magnetic fields of hyperlow and audio frequencies on electrolyte solutions, microheterigenic, and biological systems

Reception (absorption without transformation into heat fluctuations) of alternating magnetic field energy by aqueous electrolyte solutions has been observed. Energy reception is possible due to the low amplitude of applied magnetic field. Changes in the state of electrolyte solutions are measured by chronopotentiometric, conductometric, inverse potentiodynamic, and impedance methods. Abnormally high adsorption of alkali metal cations and aminoacids on the surface of platinum electrode indicates that the influence of weak low-frequency magnetic field is mainly concentrated on the phase boundary. This may be a possible explanation of the high sensitivity of such microheterogenic systems as microorganism populations and mammal blood cells towards their treatment by weak magnetic fields.

The efforts of the group are principally directed to achieving insight into the mechanisms of this effect and answering the following questions:
bullet5.gif (101 bytes) what are the mechanisms of low-frequency field energy reception by aqueous solutions, of secondary field irradiation and of energy transfer between magnetic field and treated medium;
bullet5.gif (101 bytes) what is the nature of changes caused by low-frequency magnetic fields in physico-chemical and structural properties of solutions, and in the parameters of sorption and in the diffusion properties taking place at the boundaries "air - solution", "metal - solution", "textile material - solution", "biocell shell - solution".
Using the data obtained, new original methods for regulating the vital functions of microorganisms (applied for producing fermentative preparations for biochemical pretreatment of textile fibers) are being developed.


1.Sibirev A.L., Koksharov S.A., Smirnov K.K. Research into the effect of weak sound frequency magnetic field energy reception within the boundary layer Pt/aqueous NaCl solution. Izvestija vuzov. Khimija i khimicheskaja tekhnologija, Vol. 40, No 1 ,(1997), P. 69-73 .
2. Sibirev A.L., Smirnov K.K., Kokharov S.A. Production of cultivation microbiological solutions for biochemical pretreatment of textile materials. Tekstilnaja khimija (Textile Chemistry), No 2(11), (1997), P. 33-36.

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Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
1, Akademicheskaja Street Ivanovo 153045 Russia
Fax: 7 0932 378 509
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