Kelp Forests

Question Answer
What is kelp?  Kelp itself is a large brown seaweed. It can be anywhere from 10 to 120 feet in height. Certain species have many different uses such as food candy or dietary supplements. It is the largest sea weed in the world and it also grows in many different areas but always on the continental shelf's.


What is the structure of a kelp? What are its parts and what function do these specialized parts perform? How is kelp different from most other algae in terms of structure and specialization of parts The structure of kelp is very specific to the adaptations of kelp. The kelp is a very large sea weed so its root system or the holdfasts are very strong so it can attach itself to the sea floor when large storms come through the area. The stipe or stem is a very strong stem which grows at a very high rate of speed. The stipe is very strong to hold the immense weight of the whole kelp. The fronds or the leaves of the kelp are very tough and hold a large amount of water so that the kelp will not dry itself out.
Where are kelp forests found?  Kelp forests are any where from the Arctic to the Antarctic circles. They grow off the shore lines of all of the continents. The largest kelps can be found off the coast of California. many of the kelps have been able to adapt themselves to the areas in which they now live in. 
What is the source of energy used to create food in this environment? Why are kelp important to us and to the organisms that live there? Put text hereDepolito, Smith and Praino
What kinds of organisms live in these communities? How do they benefit from and use the ecosystem created by the kelp? Put text hereDepolito, Smith and Praino Put images here.
References: You should provide references for all of your answers and images.
Kelp Forests