Student links
Jessica DePolito   David Devine   Matt Engstrom   Ryan Gill   Laura Grant   Steven Gunter   Thomas Howe 
Katelyn Mahoney   Justin Medas   Meghan Praino   Mike Slapik   Geneva Smith   Melissa Wilbur

Dave Devine

            This website gives us real good information about El Nino and what it is.  It talks about all the facts and gives images of damage the storm has caused.
This website about algae has a lot of excellent information on the different types of algae that grows and how it grows.

Ryan Gill    

  This is an awesome site on “el nino” and the affects and consequences of global warming..  
  This site answers any question you may have on “marine biology”.  It is also a link from OceanLink.
     This website is a great resource for information on how an exploration goes on.  It also had some terrific photos of the expeditions
  This is a great place to see all the different types of algae.
This is a good place for zooplankton, with pictures as well as descriptions.

Laura Grant

Algae: This web page has very useful information on all the different kinds of algae. It is very helpful in finding different kinds of algae by breaking down the different species and classes.
Marine Biology: This website is a good website for pictures of water life. It has so great pictures of the different marine life and the creator of the site makes it very easy to find what you are looking for.
Marine Biology: This site has a lot of  information and looks like it was created specifically for students. It is very easy to understand and navigate around the page itself.
OceanographyThis site has a lot of information about everything that has to do with oceans, from sea life to wave movements. It also has a lot of diagrams and pictures to illustrate the point they are trying to explain.

Steve Gunter

This site has many pictures and information on all types of algae.  It has types of algae ranging from freshwater to saltwater and the different catagories.  
This site tells about the different types of seaweeds and where they are located.  It also focuses on marine algae.  

Thomas Howe

This is good site for information no every thing to do with the ocean. Its called Science & Technology Focus.
This site is to ask or look up question that scientist have answered about plants and algae.
 Great site for Zooplankton though it’s a bit short and has other links to different things like phytoplankton.

Katelyn Mahoney

Zooplankton: Gives a little info on it, connected to phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton: Explains what phytoplankton is and gives great pictures. Doesn’t give much info but it’s important.
El Nino: Very good 3D graphs used to explain el nino. Shows what is happening now in the weather with el nino.
Algae: Has everything on algae – excellent pictures. Lists species, genus, and other common names of algae.  
Marine Biology:  This site explains everything about the ocean. It focuses on aquariums and small ocean animals and plants. You can read interviews with scientists.
Oceanography:   This site has good pictures and graphs to show the ocean’s currents and regions. It talks about sea life and animals along with habitats.

Justin Medas

This website gives just about every bit of information that you need to know about “El Nino.” It talks about the impacts and also the effects of El Nino.
This is a website about Algae that shows useful information about all the different types of algae around the world. It shows pictures, the genera, and also literature on the objects.
On this website, you can find any type of information you ever would ask for. There is also a section called “ask a scientist” where you can actually type a question and it will be answered. If gives lots of facts, information, and the history of marine biology.

This website gives out all the basic information on Oceanography. It gives a timeline, pictures, history, and even essays written by certain people from the archive staff to give a better insight on Oceanography.

Mike Slapik

Algae: This site gives good definitions of the different types of algae and photos of each.

Phytoplankton: This site has a good index at the top which answers many different questions which one may have about phytoplankton.

El Niño: This site gives basic information about what el nino is and how it affects the world.

Oceanography: This site is the Navy’s site on oceanography it is full of information about what oceanography is and all of the discoveries over the years.

Marine Biology: This site covers most of the basic ideas of what marine biology is and all of the different topics.

Geneva Smith

-Biological Sciences, BGSU Center for Algal Microscopy and Image Digitization 
-Algae, The Forgotten Treasure Of Tide Pools 
-Beyond the Golden Gate—Oceanography, Geology, Biology, and Environmental Issues in the Gulf of the Farallones 
El Nino (Nice Introduction) Facts, Figures and Predictions 
El Nino: Theme Page, Distributed information on El Nino 
Science and Technology, Ocean Facts and Information 
-Glossary of Physical Oceanography and Related Disciplines 

Melissa Wilbur

"El Nino"
Has all the ocean life, and plants you would want to look up, such as zooplankton & phytoplankton:

Answers to questions you would have about algae: