

April 4, 2003





36 points possible

Female Competence




Counter shading


Warning Coloration


Cryptic coloration


Semilunate tail


Streamlining and Laminar flow




Convergent Evolution

Different organisms adapting to similar environments look the same

Sexual Dimorphism

Males and females look different

Eye spot Misdirection


Eye Band  “Misdirection”





28 points possible

Heterocercal ve homocercal


Sperm and Eggs


Protandrous and Protygynous Hermaphrodites


Vertical Stripes (disruptive coloration) vs Horizontal Stripes


Parental Care vs Lottery Ticket(# of Eggs)


Female Choice/Male Competition


Rods and Cones




Question #1 15 points


Describe (4 points) and give examples (4 points) of  the difference between organism in which male combat determines breeding versus Organisms in which  female choice determines who breeds Which would result from female clustering. (4 points) Which would result from female competence.(3 points)


Question #2  10 points


What are the advantages of Protandrous hermaphrotism (+3 points)

What are the advantages of Protygynous hermaphrotism (+3 points) give examples of  both and circumstances of each (+4 points)


Question #3 14 points


What are the characteristics of fast swimming fish.(+6 points) How do these characteristice help the fish (+4 points) and explain how Speedos fast suit attempts to mimic this.(+4 points)