Introduction to 3D Modeling Animation Gallery

Warning:These are very large animations in AVI format. Do not attempt to download them without a high speed line!!!

The Tutorial: This animation was created by DJ Alcombright. It demonstrates very nice use of the camera tool. There is also an effective use of background and Metallic shading on the letters.


DJ Alcombright


The Flying Logo Assignment: This assignment demonstrated the use of multiple animations and textures. Marc Hanoud's animation uses exploder. 

Chris Lebrun  Mike Caputo Marc Hanoud  Justin Braga Matt Stevenson


The Antman Tutorial: This is an outstanding example of the antman tutorial. This project greatly exceeds the parameters of the assignment. Your project can be much simpler than this.


Justin Manganaro Matt Stevenson


The Final: In this animation an articulated figure must interact with an environment.


Mark Hanoud Jorden Melim Matt Stevenson


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