Christian Existential Phenomenology

Christian Existential Phenomenology

Christian Existential Phenomenology is an epistemology (i.e., theory of knowledge) that seeks to explore the relationship between post-modern critical theory (e.g., deconstruction, post-structuralism) and an Existentialism drawing from a Christian worldview and the pragmatism of phenomenological philosophy and modern science. The below items represent critical thinking toward these subjects that I initially began in 1991 and successively built upon with the following items written in 1992, 1993, and 1996.

The following items are arranged chronologically from bottom to top to indicate the progressive development of CEP. The reader may wish to begin at any level he or she wishes, depending on their level of familiarity with post-modern critical theory. However, he or she is strongly encouraged to complete their readings with a consideration of the context that the formal CEP outline offers.

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(1996) A Formal Outline of Christian Existential Phenomenology, including a Literary Reading Practice

--- a "thought structure" currently under expansion (click here for alpha version [1993])

(1993) The Significance of Language Reconsidered, or first steps toward a Christian literary theory(-practice), which might be called:
Christian Existential Phenomenology

--- follow-up essay, Spring, 1993 [unpublished]

(1992) Deconstruction and the "Text" of Christianity, or the Meaning of the "Word"

--- essay,The Crucible, Winter, 1992

Send comments to Henry P. Mills

Written Content ©1992-1996, Henry P. Mills
Website Art ©1996, Jim Janknegt