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by Mark Towfiq
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Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand
Page 39

(25) June 13th, 1934

Dear Bahá'í Brother,


The Guardian has duly received and deeply enjoyed reading your letters dated November 30th, December 27th, 1933 and February 4th, 1934. He is sorry that unforeseen circumstances have caused such a long delay in acknowledging their receipt. He hopes, however, that the matters you have submitted for his consideration have not suffered as a result.


Since your last letter to him, he has heard of the gratifying news of the formation of your N.S.A. [1] This historic step in the development of the Administration in Australia and New Zealand is, he feels, bound to react favourably on the further expansion and consolidation of the Faith in these far-off lands. He is fervently supplicating Bahá'u'lláh that the newly-elected members of the N.S.A., [2] upon whom has been placed such a tremendous responsibility, be assisted in the discharge of their sacred obligations and duties to the Faith.


Yours in His Service,


H. Rabbani


[From the Guardian:]


Dear and valued co-worker:


The splendid reports you have sent me have been incorporated in the manuscript and sent to the Bahá'í World Committee in America. The formation of the national assembly of Australia and New Zealand will no doubt furnish you with new and refreshing material for your next report in 1936. I will pray for your success and deeply value the manifold and constant services you are rendering the Cause of God.


Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi



1. [The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand]

2. [The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand]