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by Mark Towfiq
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Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand
Pages 39-40

(26) December 22nd, 1934

Dear Bahá'í Sister,


The Guardian was profoundly grieved to learn of the passing away of your dear mother, and has directed me to convey to you and to the bereaved members of your family, his heartfelt condolences and sympathy for this severe loss which you have sustained.


Mrs Blundell's departure is, indeed, a loss not only to her family, but also to the community of her fellow-believers in New Zealand. For in her they have come to lose one of their oldest and most distinguished co-workers.


The Guardian well remembers her pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and has always cherished the hope that she would once more be enabled to visit the shrines. But alas, her departed soul has taken its flight from this world, leaving her friends and relatives in a state of profoundest grief. Their only consolation now is the realization that through her painstaking and sustained labours for the Cause in Auckland Mrs Blundell has left an abiding monument to her memory, and one which will continue for many years to come to inspire and strengthen them all in their collective endeavours for the establishment of the Faith in New Zealand.


Shoghi Effendi is fervently praying for the soul of our departed sister, and is entreating Bahá'u'lláh to give her her full share of divine blessings in the other world.


May I also assure you of his ardent supplications for you, and for all the friends in Auckland.


Yours in His Service, H. Rabbani