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by Mark Towfiq
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Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand
Pages 40-41

(27) January 21st, 1935

Dear Bahá'í Sister,


Shoghi Effendi has just been in receipt of your kind letter of the fourteenth of December last, and has read its contents with deep interest and gratification. It made him so happy, indeed, to learn that you are pursuing your activities for the Faith with such steadfastness and self-sacrifice, and also that through your beautiful and loving spirit those members of your family who have not yet embraced the Faith are being gradually attracted to it. He is ardently entreating Bahá'u'lláh that through your inspiration and guidance their interest in the Teachings may wax stronger and lead them to eventually espouse His Cause.


With reference to the suggestion made by Mr Alexander [1] for taking a record of the Guardian's voice, he wishes me to inform you that although he fully appreciates the spirit in which this and similar suggestions are made to him he is, nevertheless, extremely reluctant that the believers should give any prominence to his writings, specially in the meetings which, he is firmly convinced, should be chiefly devoted to the reading and study of the writings of Bahá'u'lláh and the Master.


In closing will you kindly convey his greetings and appreciation to all the friends in Auckland, and particularly to the members of your family who, he hopes, will be assisted and sustained in their labours for the spread of the Message.


Yours in His Service,


H. Rabbani


[From the Guardian:]


Dear and valued co-worker:


I am deeply grateful for the services you are so devotedly rendering and the efforts you are so diligently exerting for the promotion of our beloved Faith. I will continue to pray for you and your dear co-workers from the depths of my heart.


Your true brother, Shoghi



1. [Dick Alexander was the fiance of Miss Vera Dewing. (Department of the Secretariat, Universal House of Justice. August 16th, 1979)]