T E M P O R A   H E R O I C A

Tempora Heroica Game Features

Tempora Heroica is a free-to-play, text-based online game known to most people as a MUD or multi-user dungeon. In our well-written, original, scratch-built fantasy game world, you will find a quirky, small-town atmosphere filled with colorful players and NPCs. The MUD is a welcoming place for first-timer mudders to gradually learn the genre; including friendly people, extensive help files, and on-demand, in-game maps.

There is a varied range of traditional fantasy races, twelve in all, from which to choose, such as elves and dwarves, along with some unusual races such as brownies and goblins to spice up the population mix. There are a variety of skills and spells for each new hero to learn. Tempora Heroica is a mud without the contrived Dungeon & Dragons styled classes. As a player, you can have your hero learn what you want him or her to learn.

We are proud of Tempora Heroica and the amount of hard work and love we’ve poured into the game since 1993. We think we have one of the most unique virtual communities on the Internet. After asking the members of the Tempora Heroica community, we have compiled this list of what we consider to be the best of our best.

Explore our original world: Tempora Heroica has no stock areas. The mud staff is dedicated to text-based muds and work hard to provide original areas to explore that are well balanced. Tempora Heroica is a MUD built for explorers!

A number of features have been added to make it both easy and fun to explore. From every place on the MUD, a map is provided to the explorer to view the surrounding area. Room descriptions can dynamically change with the time, date, and weather. Doors can be hidden, protected, and only activated by secret levers or other triggers. In addition, Tempora Heroica has had its own, unique scripting language DML (Dynamic Mud Language) that allows for a high level of mobile and object interaction throughout the entire MUD. With DML, tasks and quests can be given, questions asked and answered, and the personalities of NPCs are brought to life.

Invoke our Ars Magica inspired magic: Tempora Heroica uses a new magic system based upon the popular role-playing game Ars Magica published by Atlas Games. Simply put, magic is based on combining a Technique with a Form to invoke a spell. This combination is merely for classification purposes only. For example, ‘Lamp without Flame’ is the name of the spell, while Creo Ignem (Create Fire) is the tech and form. The more you know the spell, tech, and form, the more powerful the spell becomes. Area spells can be invoked in groups by successfully finessing the spell.

Develop your own chracter: Tempora Heroica does not have any classes to force your hero into one set-way of character development. Practice what you want your hero to learn and use the skills and spells that you think will be advantageous. For example, you may want to be a pure mage, or combine your skills and spells and be a warrior who dabbles in magic. The choice is yours!

Express yourself: On Tempora Heroica, the traditional MUD socials are a bit more flexible. You can combine both a verb and an adjective to customize the social to fit the mood or occasion. For example, you can just ‘smile’, ‘smile happily’, or even ‘smile evilly’. With over 380 verbs and nearly 900 adverbs, whatever the occasion calls for, there usually is an appropriate verb-adverb combination. By using the sophisticated emote system you can use a person’s name in your emote and the MUD will automagically fix it for those viewing it and the target of your emote. This is great if the dynamic socials are not customizable enough for a needed situation.

Wear unique armor and equipment: Armor on Tempora Heroica provides four functions: stopping and three soaks (versus cuts, impacts, and punctures). Races come in different sizes, so armor comes in different sizes too. So, a dwarf will not be able to wear the same-sized chainmail shirt that would comfortably fit a giant. Armor can be tailored to custom-fit your hero. As armor protects your hero in battle, it gets damaged. Fortunately, many skilled artisans live in Wivernhoe and other towns that can make suitable repairs.

Own your own home: Tired of camping in the wilderness at the mercy of robbers and wandering animals? Sick of paying the innkeeper for a place to bed down for the night? Then the solution is at hand! Buy a house from the real estate agent in Wivernhoe and leave Tempora Heroica worry free for only the cost of a monthly property tax. Describe and decorate your home to match your tastes. Plus share your home with up to four of your comrades, and store valuable equipment and food there for a rainy day.