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Spring Workshops

The Georgia Historical Society's 2000 Spring Workshops 
"Don't Let Them Become Extinct: Basic Collections Preservation" 
instructed by Susan Dick, Dir. of Library & Archives, The Georgia Historical Society, Mandi Johnson, Visual Materials Archivist, The Georgia Historical Society, and Susan Neal, Curator of Textiles & Social History, Atlanta History Center
This workshop will cover the basic principles involved in the care and storage of doocuments, photos, books, leather, metal, wood, and cloth. Attendees may bring items for on-site consultation.
Saturday, March 11, 2000            9 a.m.-4 p.m.
$20 per person (includes lunch)
Location: Bailey-Tebault House, 633 Meriwether St., Griffin (Spalding County) 
Hosted by the Griffin-Spalding Historical Society 
Spreading the News: Newsletters, Book Publishing, and Websites" 
instructed by Stan Deaton, Dir. of Programs & Publications, The Georgia Historical Society and Jessica Burke, Archives Assistant & Web Site Administrator, The Georgia Historical Society
This workshop will examine newsletter and book publication and web site development. Discussions will include layout, content, target audience, and distribution. Also examined will be particular issues pertaining to history and Genealogy books such as marketing, copy right, and publication projects. Attendees may bring examples of their organization's newsletter, books, and web site for critique.
Saturday, April 29, 2000         9 a.m.-4 p.m.
$20 per person (includes lunch)
Location: Lee Council House, 318 E. Church St., Americus (Sumter County)
Hosted by Sumter Historic Trust
Please register me for the following workshop(s):
_____ Griffin: March 11            Deadline for postmarked registrations is March 4
_____ Americus: April 29         Deadline for postmarked registrations is April 22
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: __ home  __ organization ______________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone Number: _______________________________________________________
___ Check enclosed; payable to the Georgia Historical Society   
$20 per person per workshop
___ Visa   ___ MC   ___ American Express #______________________________________
Expiration date: _____________   Name on card: ___________________________________
Please send payment with this form to:
Workshop Registration, Georgia Historical Society, 501 Whitaker St., Savannah, GA 31401
or fax to: 912-651-2831