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online primary sources for use in curriculum

Some weeks ago I had put out a request for websites that included primary sources and suggestions on how to use those materials in primary or secondary curriculum.  I had some great responses.  Some folks asked that I share what I received.  Hence the attachment.

(Please note before deleting:  I am still looking for government sites, museum sites, historical association sites, etc. which include curriculum resources alongside primary sources.  If you know of any such sites, please share them!  Thank you.)

A number of sites that were recommended could be used in curriculum activities very easily.  But what I was looking for, specifically, were sites that showed teachers how they could be used.  In short, I was looking for ready-made curriculum guides, aids, and assistance. These are the sites that are useful to teachers who are "new" to the concept of integrating primary sources into school projects.  As a result, some very good content sites that were suggested are not included in my list.

The attachment is a four-page Word document.  The sites referenced are listed below in case anyone has an interest in checking them out and: 1) either doesn't want to open the attachment or 2) finds that the hyperlinks come through as "error" messages.  The links are in the order they are presented in the attachment:
Keyword: "learnnc"

I am still looking for sites that include primary sources and curriculum aids.  If you are aware of any that are not included on this list, please let me know.

I intend to share this information during a panel presentation entitled "Access to Government Records" at  the AMRA Midyear Seminar, April 4-5 at Archives II in College Park, MD.  (For conference information: http://www.arma.org)

Part of the content of that presentation will be to show how local governments and archival institutions can work with educators to place primary sources on a website in such a way as to make them useful to the local school's curriculum.  Whatever information I have gathered by that time will be shared with conference participants.  Your help would be welcomed!  (And if there is interest this time around, too, I will share the additional sites that are recommended to me with the listserv).

In advance...thank you.